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A (Prototype)
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Zero is a character in Number Lore. They could be the planet where the numbers live on.


Zero is a gigantic number 0, which the other numbers inhabit on. Zero has "zero" eyes,[2] but the hole acts as its mouth. It has some moons in a shape of a ring, resembling Saturn.

It's currently unknown what Zero looks like, despite the fact that Zero is seen in 1's Computer. As seen in 4.3.


Episode Appearances[]

NOTE: This appearance count as in One's Computer alongside true appearances.

  • 4 (in One's Computer)
  • 0

Episode count: 2

It appeared in 5% of all episodes, including the appearance in One's Computer.

Additional information[]


  • Zero is the only number to debut in an episode that isn’t their respective one.
  • The hole is Zero's mouth, like O.
  • Zero is likely going to be the overarching antagonist in Alphabet Lore franchise.


  • Zero being a planet may be based on fanmade Zeros, especially the one from HKTito’s Number Lore.
  • It could possibly be a reference to slashed zero (0), which may be the reason why 0 has some moons in a shape of a ring.
    • Because 0 in code is slashed, Zero could probably be an artificially made planet.


Audio Description

See Also[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 The calculator was intended to go to 0, and Galneda later claimed that 5 takes place a day after 4, and F couldn’t just visit a planet in one day. 5 is the end of Season 2 so they’ll visit in Season 3.
  2. Zero doesn't have eyes
'Alphabet Lore'
Numbers 1 (One)2 (Two)3 (Three)4 (Four)5 (Five)6 (Six)7 (Seven)8 (Eight)9 (Nine)0 (Zero)
Misc. Mike SalcedoMoth eggs