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Y is the twenty-fifth episode of the first season of Alphabet Lore, and the twenty-fifth episode overall.


After X dies, Y is seen tumbling down and saying her name like how most people say "WHHHHHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?!!!!!!!!!!!", which means X and Y appear to be married. Meanwhile, F puts goo on his cave and puked S and chains him up. Once V, A, N, G, M, and U arrive at F’s cave. V immediately runs away in fear. Leaving A, N, G, M and U, they start going to F's cave when G then looks suspiciously at the Goo F put using X's gem. When they were going in, N finds some gems along the way. F also pukes R to the wall. While all of them were going, F's Goo took away the other "distractions" (A, G, M, and U) so that leaves N which F needs to complete the word, "FRIENDS". But it probably wasn't wise for F to use all-powerful Gems to get N to go because N probably would've still gone in. After getting the exclamation mark (!) gem, teeth started to appear behind N and chased after N, N used the exclamation mark (!) to run fast enough to not get bitten by the teeth. After N got there, N saw what F was doing, kidnapping letters in his cave. So N grabbed back the semicolon (;) gem to kill F once in for all. After F died, N looked at the kidnapped letters that make the word "FRIENDS", Y also came into the cave puzzled and confused. Once M, U, G and A got out of the goo, Q appeared and opened they're mouth wide, only for another gem, the question mark (?) gem to be taken out of Q's mouth, then it flew towards N's body and the lights flashed, only to be continued to the next episode "nZ...".




  • A
  • B (cameo)
  • C (not original)
  • D
  • E
  • G
  • I
  • K (cameo)
  • L
  • M
  • O
  • P (not original)
  • R
  • S
  • T (cameo)
  • U
  • V
  • W (cameo)
  • X
  • Z (upper part only)

Additional Information[]


  • This is W's first appearance physically, albeit as a cameo.
  • This is (technically) the last time a character dies on-screen, because F was killed by N with the gems, and ‌nZ… has no deaths in that episode, nor Now I Know My ABCs.
    • This is also the 3rd and final major death of the series.
  • It is unknown if V witnessed F's death, as he is not seen anywhere after he ran off from F's cave.
  • When B, T and W see the rainbow together, they make up the acronym, BTW, which stands for "by the way".
  • According to Q’s future flashback of the question mark, N shooting F is the last scene of the original Alphabet Lore timeline.
  • H and J are the only letters who did not appear in any shape or form in this episode.
  • The rainbow beam that Ultra N fired is reminiscent of X’s Charge Shots from Mega Man X.
  • C, F, H, J, P and X marks their causes of death in episodes.
'Alphabet Lore' Episodes
Alphabet Lore Season 1 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY‌nZ…Now I Know My ABCsNext Time Won't You Sing With Me?
Number Lore Season 2 12345
Season 3 67890