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Alphabet Lore Wiki

X is the twenty-fourth episode of the first season of Alphabet Lore, and the twenty-fourth episode overall.


While F runs to his cave, X drops by, blocking F's way. He then uses the asterisk (*) gem to multiply himself, distracting F more, which also causes the "VAN" to brake. F drops his gem in hopes of a fair fight. X drops his soon after. Unfortunately, X gets defeated easily by F munching on him, killing him, and gets his gem stolen. F walks into his cave with a smirk on his body.



  • X (debut)
  • F
  • N (part of VAN only)


  • A (part of VAN only)
  • G
  • M
  • U
  • V (part of VAN only)
  • Z (upper part only)

Additional Information


  • X is one of 3 characters to die in the same episode they're introduced in, with the others being H and J.
  • Until A (Episode) surpassed "X", this was the most viewed "Alphabet Lore" video aside from the compilation video.


  • While in the VAN, M seems to have his superhero eyes despite not having his gem, or being transformed.
    • When X is about to get killed by F, he has his lowercase eyes.
    • When F was about to eat X, he has no teeth.
'Alphabet Lore' Episodes
Alphabet Lore Season 1 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY‌nZ…Now I Know My ABCsNext Time Won't You Sing With Me?
Number Lore Season 2 12345
Season 3 67890