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Alphabet Lore Wiki

W is the 23rd letter of the alphabet, they were used to make the word "COWARD" during N's nightmare. They also spelled the stealth word "TWO" when 3 was being created. In addition, they were used to make "WATCH" in non-canon content.


W is lavender with dark purple eyelids. Both of them appear to be two conjoined twins forming the single letter, before the pronunciation of the letter W (double U). Both have two eyes separated throughout the "V" of the body, and their mouths are underneath. The eyes have red pupils, a first for the series. It is unknown whether or not W is one brain in two halves of a body, or two brains in one body.


As children, w did not appear much only appearing on their way to attack f.

Alphabet Lore

They were first seen in a daydream spelling the word "COWARD" and first actual appearance looking up at the rainbow beam shot by N. They are later seen looking at the gems that Z formed to reverse time in Now I Know My ABC's.

Number Lore

W was residing alongside J at the edge of Z when the Calculator Ship crashes right in front of them. While W hasn't done anything to help, they witnessed the whole thing, also lining up to spell "TWO".


Episode Appearances

NOTE: This non-original appearance count is alongside true appearances

Episode count: 6

They appeared in 16% of all episodes, including the non-original appearance.

Additional information


  • W and H (as ghost) are the only Alphabet Lore letters to have an actual eye color other than black (maroon). Three and Four are the only numbers with an eye color.
  • They, along with P, K, Y, and 4 are the only confirmed female characters.
  • Their design referenced the Grady Twins in the horror movie "The Shining".
  • Along with 세트, they have double the facial features.
  • W as of Number Lore are the only characters who haven't repeated their name more than once.
    • Since their only speaking appearances take place during a dream (during W), they are the only ones to not canonically say their name to any other letters throughout the series.
  • As uppercase letters, W is the only character who was not acknowledged by, or did not acknowledge F.
    • Subverted as of the F plush reveal, which shows F holding "WATCH".
  • W is the least seen character if J's ashes count as J. They also have the least impact on F's story, only being angry and not fighting at the frick, and seeing the laser.
  • W is the only one not credited in the joke Z video, whether this was a mistake or not is uncertain, but it's still just a joke video.
  • They have the most syllables, being 3. Dou-ble-you. If Seven does get confirmed, they’ll be second-most (se-ven).
  • Their appearance is redrum, goth, or emo.
  • They have the same amount of syllables as their place in the alphabet. W is the 23rd letter with 3 syllables, and 23 has three syllables. This also counts with A, B, C, D, E, F, H, I, J, and L.
  • W, despite being female, is referred to as a they/them due to them being conjoined.
  • Not counting the & gem, they are the only Ligatures that appear in canon since the letter, W, originated as a ligature of two Us or two Vs. The two Us became popular overtime and was known as the "double U". However, when printing came along, it's starting to look more like a "double V" instead of "double U", but it's still called "double U" today because—well, tradition.
    • So far, there are no other confirmed Ligatures that appear in canon.
  • W and Y are the only semi-vowels. However, if Alphabet Lore was based on British English, then R would be a semi-vowel too.



Audio Description


Audio Description
'Alphabet Lore'
Numbers 1 (One)2 (Two)3 (Three)4 (Four)5 (Five)6 (Six)7 (Seven)8 (Eight)9 (Nine)0 (Zero)
Misc. Mike SalcedoMoth eggs