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The VAN is an automobile formed when A, N and V join together to form it. It is used after the immobility of B and the death of P and C.


N is the driver, V appears as the wheels, logo, and the window; A is the mobile itself. On the side, it reads "VAN". Passengers sit in the back.

To disable the "VAN", one either must deform or presumably one leaves.

The "VAN" appears in W, X, Y, Now I Know My ABCs, 3, and 4.


After F brutally killed C, disabled B, and set up the letters to "save" V from "F", resulting in P's death, the team switches from CAB to VAN. The transition was offscreen during N's nightmare of F. The VAN makes it to F's cave, but V runs away in fear.

The VAN reappears in 3, where V and A request N's help to spell the word and get to the number ship. However, F wouldn't allow N to go, until he left by force, destroying the "&" gem they formed, and saddening F. The VAN then made up a large convoy consisting of it, the BIKE, L, and, O. On the way, the VAN accidentally runs into P and G's newborn baby, accidentally tagging him along the mission. The VAN deforms and watches the calculator ship crash onto Z and almost hit J.

The following episode, F's cave is smoking due to the ship's collision after L threw it, and N, A, and V reform VAN so N could reach F. He then uses his semicolon gem to power up VAN and turn it into VAÑ. They reach F's cave and VAÑ deforms while N runs to F and A and V watch him, but debris falls and it blocks their path.

Additional Information[]


  • This is the first transformation to happen offscreen, showing that Alphabet Lore doesn't always want to explain the obvious. It is the only one in-canon, while the second transformation "WATCH" was non canon.
  • G, M, U, and g have all rode inside the VAN.
  • This is the only vehicle to not have a theme song.
Objects in 'Alphabet Lore'
Objects CABGemsMAPVANCalculator ShipBIKE