- А - Just the same like A.
- Б - Just the same as B, but he jumps in his debut episode, like Harrymations' (or PFA's) Б.
- В - Just the same as V, just not as cowardly
- Г - Just the same as G.
- Д - Just the same as D.
- Е - Just the same as E.
- Ё - An original character, IDK what to make his personality.
- Ж - Just the same as Harrymations' Ж.
- З - Just the same as F.
- И - Just the same as I, but he doesn’t get kidnapped, since he isn’t in friends in Russian.
- Й - The main protagonist, just the same as N.
- К - Just the same as K, though he is not really a moth, nor is he a female (K is a male). He is also a bully.
- Л - Same as L, but has the same personality as M
- М - Just the same as M but has the same personality as O
- Н - Just H but alive.
- О - Just O but he’s more of an ally to the letters stopping З.
- П - Same as P.
- Р - Same as R.
- С - Same as S, he still gets slurped but not kidnapped.
- Т - Same as T.
- У - Same as U, but he just gets seen with З while he gets kidnapped
- Ф - Just another ally to the letters, his best friend is И, you will see why.
- Х - Same as X.
- Ц - Same as C, he doesn’t get eaten up though.
- Ч - She is very intelligent, she is an ally to the З stoppers.
- Ш - IDK what their personality should be.
- Щ - Same as Q.
- Ъ - I do not know what their personality should be. 😑
- Ы - I do not know.
- Ь - I do not know what their personality should be, but all I CAN say is that they are best friends with Ъ.
- Э - I do not know.
- Ю - IDK.
- Я -Just the planet, like Z.