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Alphabet Lore Wiki

Three, also written as 3, is a major antagonist of Number Lore, the sequel of Alphabet Lore.

He is a hybrid number of frog-dragon who tried to prevent the letters from following him and the other numbers.


Three is a scarlet red number 3, with maroon eyelids and a lighter red underside. He has yellow eyes and a lock of spiked hair. He has three teeth and a blue tongue in his mouth. He is a frog-dragon hybrid.

Three's skin color is similar at A and M's.


Episode Appearances

NOTE: These teased appearances count alongside true appearances.

Episode count: 5

He appeared in 13% of all episodes, including the teased appearances.

Additional information


  • Mike said in a split second announcement at the end of F Plush that Three shoots laser beams. However, he actually shoots lava, which he uses to kill letters.
    • It was confirmed on Mike's Patreon in a reply that it was always lava, but he said lasers to hide the true ability.
  • He can use his tongue to hit, toss or swallow letters, he hit J and K, he tossed g and swallowed P.
  • 3 is the first number whose sclera are different following 4.
  • 3 is so far the only character to have curly lines.
  • 3 is the second prime number in the series, 3 is a prime because it is divisible by 1 and 3
  • 3 pooping P in a cube is a reference on how the cube represents the power of three and also how Yoshi in the Mario games eats enemies and poop eggs out,
  • He has one blue tongue and two yellow eyes, possibly referencing the fact that 3 is 1+2. He also has 3 teeth.
  • 3 broke the world record for the longest number sound
    • As a matter of fact, 3 also broke O's record for having the longest character dialogue.
  • 3 is the only character whose people expected his color, but didn't expect his voice.
  • 3 is the first number to have ventrals to resemble an frog.
  • 3 is the only character to have diamond pupils.
  • Before 3 was revealed, a popular guess from the community is that Three was going to be red to fit with the primary colors, because One is blue, and Two is yellow. In the final, most people were right, Three is red. Another popular guess from the community is that Three was going to have 3 eyes so the chain of the number of eyes wouldn’t break. In the final, it was revealed that he would have 2 eyes.
  • 3 is the first number to have a tongue present in the design.
  • The reason why 3 was never meant to have three eyes it's because Mike said that If he gives more than 2 eyes to a number, he would end up turning numbers into eyeball monsters.
  • 3 is the only character to wiggle his mouth while saying his name.
  • 3 has some resemblance to a frog, judging by the shape he makes when he closes his mouth, his long tongue, and briefly croaking while trying to say his name.
    • He is also possibly a hybrid of a frog and a dragon, judging by his frog traits and ability to breathe fire.
  • He’s the first number to get injured in their debut.
    • The way he says his name is almost a perfect resemblance of the internet meme SHEESH as well as a reference to another meme "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE".
    • The difference between them is that 3's sound is longer than the meme's sound.
    • It could also be a reference on how a frog's scream would sound like.
    • Because of this, 3 has the highest pitch of any number, with 2 having the 2nd highest.
  • 3's silhouette in the teaser has his blue tongue absent, his teeth are a little bit different and his body being differently shaped.
  • Before 3 was released, his old design had the same color as M
  • 3's blue tongue is a portrait from one
  • 3's yellow eyes is a portrait from two
  • 3's diamond pupil has the same amount of edges based on the number
  • 3 is the first number whose had no round pupils.
  • On X, a person posted a picture of a comment saying that Mike stated in a deleted livestream that 3 will be red, have a blue tongue and 3 eyes, the person asks if it's true and Mike said that 2 of the details are correct and 1 is wrong, everyone thought that the blue tongue was fake, as the silhouette wasn't showing a tongue, In the final, It was revealed that the 3 eyes part were fake.
  • The fact he can imprison others in cubes may be due to a cube being a number to the power of three.
  • When 3 is about to fire breath, it showed the skeleton due to his chest glowing, thus confirming that letters and number also have an organs and bones.
  • Before 3's episode was released, Mike showed 3's design to a person in comic con, and kind of made some people believe that he had a blue tongue.
  • 3, 4 and 5 are the only numbers who haven’t smiled during the series.
  • 3 notably rolls his "r"s when saying his name with his tongue vibrating along, this can be seen in 4, when the numbers are getting ready to make 4.
  • He and 5 are the only numbers pot bellied.


There is a few inspirations for 3 according to Mike's patreon of his concept art:


Audio Description


'Alphabet Lore'
Numbers 1 (One)2 (Two)3 (Three)4 (Four)5 (Five)6 (Six)7 (Seven)8 (Eight)9 (Nine)0 (Zero)
Misc. Mike SalcedoMoth eggs