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Alphabet Lore Wiki

One, also written as 1, is the main antagonist of Number Lore, the second series in Alphabet Lore.

He is an alien and a sentient Number who seeks to find and kidnap X so he can create 2, 3, 4, and 5. He is also the arch-nemesis of X.


1 is a blue anthropomorphic Number 1 with a darker blue eyelid. He has one eye similar to O and R, but with high-tech gadgetry. He also has a tiny cowlick at the top of the One symbol. His mouth moves similar to how a Muppet's mouth would. Lastly, he usually has visible one tooth in his mouth, but is sometimes seen with more teeth.


1 shows to be quite intelligent, being able to pilot a ship to travel across the universe. He also appears to be a narcissist, due to feeling love for his clone.


Episode Appearances[]

Episode count: 6

He appeared in 16% of all episodes.

Additional information[]


  • F, G, N, Z, and One are the only characters to cry in the series, though it is possible that One was faking his case in Episode 2.
  • 1 is the third Alphabet Lore adjacent character to be a cyclops, with the other two being O and R.
    • 1 has one eye and one tooth, hence the name.
    • However, his tooth is not visible in most moments.
  • He is likely finding X due to "x" being the missing variable in algebra equations (ex. 1+7=x). Usually in algebraic problems, you are instructed to "Find x".
  • He may also be trying to find an X to use as a multiplication symbol.
    • For example, 1 x (number), x meaning "times".
  • He may also be finding X to get the Asterisk gem to clone himself and make more numbers.
  • 1 is the first Number to be revealed before his episode is released, appearing at the end of Next Time Won't You Sing With Me, like Z or F. Two was the second, as in the Fan Art video standalone.
    • 1 is one of the characters to have hair, similar to that of L, M and N's superhero forms.
    • 1 is also the only character to have hair without having a superhero form, as of his debut episode.
      • However, if you count 1,000,000 as canon, then his transformation is seen in the “1,000,000” video.
        • We don’t see the purple starry background at the end of it.
  • 1 and 4 are the only characters to have a visible uvula.
  • 1 and 3 are so far the only characters to have hair, if people don't count super forms.
  • The color of 1's blood is inconsistent.
    • When 1 blush after he and Other 1 both press the button, you can see them blush, since their blush is pink, that implies his blood is red.
    • However, when 1 gets punched by M, You can see the veins in his eyes, implying his blood is blue.
  • The way he jumps after getting beat up by M and X is similar to how a fish out of water would.
  • 1 is the only character who seems to be in love with himself, because of his clone.
  • 1 is the first anti-composite who is not a prime in the series.
    • 1 is the number of positive divisors or factors is only on i.e. 1 itself. So, number 1 is not a prime number.
      • 2 is the smallest number that satisfies the definition of prime numbers.
    • As of 1,000,000, One has the most copies, being 1,000,001.
    • 1 is the only character to have appeared in all episodes of Number Lore.
  • 1 is the only cyclops Number, but in Mike's Patreon, 1 was likely originally supposed to not be.
    • It may be a coincidence that he is similar to One from Numberblocks, where Numberblock One is cyclops.
  • 1 does have one tooth but there is a mistake where 1 did have more teeth after being beaten up by X and M, possibly for expressive purposes, as many expressions rely on having multiple teeth, representing 1 having dentures.
  • Currently, he is one of the two only Number not doing his normal pose in his respective episode, unlike most Numbers.
  • His clone is the 1st Number to die.


Audio Description


'Alphabet Lore'
Numbers 1 (One)2 (Two)3 (Three)4 (Four)5 (Five)6 (Six)7 (Seven)8 (Eight)9 (Nine)0 (Zero)
Misc. Mike SalcedoMoth eggs