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Alphabet Lore Wiki

O is the fifteenth episode of the first season of Alphabet Lore, and the fifteenth episode overall.


O speeds like a wheel after N slides back, introducing himself to the viewers. F, exhausted from all the other transformation animations, sighs. O transforms offscreen as F watches him and sits on I about halfway through. O appears to have a new mouth, muscles around his hole, and a colon (:) gem. O then slaps F and the episode ends.




  • A (cameo; part of CAB only)
  • B (cameo; part of CAB only)
  • C (cameo; part of CAB only)
  • G (cameo)
  • I
  • L (cameo)
  • M (cameo)
  • J (cameo)
  • Z (upper part only)

Additional information[]


  • As it is never shown, O does not have a transformation sequence.
  • If you listen carefully to his transformation sound you could hear a fart sound. This sound also plays in H, U, and ‌nZ….
'Alphabet Lore' Episodes
Alphabet Lore Season 1 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY‌nZ…Now I Know My ABCsNext Time Won't You Sing With Me?
Number Lore Season 2 12345
Season 3 67890