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Alphabet Lore Wiki

Now I Know My ABCs is the epilogue of the Alphabet Lore series of Alphabet Lore.


Continuing off from the previous episode, nZ..., Q had just finished showing the letters what happened in their childhood and how F became the killer he was in the present. The letters feel awful for what they did to him, panning to his dead corpse one more time. Z uses their ellipsis gem, which starts rotating, forming a kind of circle of energy. When the circle reaches F’s cave, Q closes and pulls his eyes back, forcefully pushing the question mark gem to N.

N then sees everything, putting the pieces of the entire lore together, right before the ellipsis gem sends everyone to their childhood: the moment when f tripped over n, and n backed up to l, m, and o. Here instead, n thinks about the damage l and o have done to him and then tries to get to f. g gets in front of n, similarly to his nightmare, but n is successfully able get through g blocking him, but this time, lowercase l and o appear, glaring at him and trying to block him but n ignores them and gets through, making everyone surprised that N is standing up for f, making f happy. As they were about to meet again, l and o push them to each over by foot, Making f & n look at each over in not sadness but rather joy. After they were pushed, f cried the semicolon gem (n's gem) while n cries the question mark gem (q's gem) forming an ampersand (&) before going to the opposed bodies except f has the semicolon gem & n has the question mark. n gets f back on his feet (the same way f helped n to get on his feet.).

They were both exiled as a result, but they didn't really mind it as to f’s cave. When f unintentionally pushes g down. n goes to p, thanking her for all the support she can provide for him then n is shown and he cries the exclamation mark, p then kisses n very quickly.

n dashes back to f with them entering the cave. Once they reached the mouth of the cave, they look at each other and look at the camera to smiling. The episode then ends off with the screen zooming out to z as a lowercase letter, seen pleased on possibly n and f reunited again as friends. z says their name in baby like high pitch and closes their eyes slowly, they might be sleeping, ending the episode and the first season ends.


See Latin Letters.

Additional Information[]


  • "Now I Know My ABCs" is a reference to the last sentence in the alphabet song.
  • When n goes to f, N's Nightmare can be seen, in a particularly different way.
  • After f and n cry their gems, the gems can be seen making an ampersand (&), before the gems enter their respective bodies.
  • X does not appear outside the flashbacks.
  • This is lowercase Z's first appearance.
    • This is also the first time lowercase W and J aren't seen angry.
  • This is one of the 2 episodes which have all characters along with nZ..., although X only appeared in flashbacks.
  • This is the last episode of Alphabet Lore and finally Number Lore will released in January 24, 2023.
  • This is the second full body appearance of Z, since his appearance in ‌nZ...
  • This is the only episode that had a spot on YouTube’s trending once. It was taken off a few days, or one to two weeks after.
  • G, A, M, Y, U, R, I, E, D, S, B, T, W, C, H, V, J, L and O appear, however they do not speak. However, they speak in flashbacks. And some appear when Z forms his energy ball.
  • In the beginning of the episode, you can see many words are unintentionally formed. FUN, GAY, MY, ANY, RUG, and GANY.


  • Although he was killed in Y, if you look very closely, F is strangely seen alive in the cave's mouth like in ‌nZ….
    • This could probably be because Mike Salcedo forgot to remove him from there.


The ampersand (&) gem is rather enigmatic when it comes to reflecting the history of the symbol Ampersand (&). There are some inaccuracies and ambiguities relating to it. Here's the list of ambiguities relating to it and how it could be justified.

  • Ampersand (&) symbol originated as a ligature of the letters from the Latin word et, meaning and. However, the ampersand (&) gem is formed with a semicolon (;) and question mark (?) gems, which isn't justified.
  • The gem making its debut might be a reference to the fact that & used to be the 27th letter in English Alphabet,[1] and because this is the 27th episode in Alphabet Lore.
    • It is not confirmed yet if the similarity is a coincidence or not.
  • Ultimately, this could all be justified by the fact that Alphabet Lore reflects the creativity or symbolic meaning rather than the historical accuracy, and the gem is not an actual symbol, though it resembles one.

External Link[]


'Alphabet Lore' Episodes
Alphabet Lore Season 1 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY‌nZ…Now I Know My ABCsNext Time Won't You Sing With Me?
Number Lore Season 2 12345
Season 3 67890