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Alphabet Lore Wiki

N is the 14th letter of the alphabet and the main protagonist of the series. He was used to make the words "FRIENDS/friends", "GUN", "VAN", "ONE" and "NO." Outside of canon, he was used to spell "PATREON" and "ENDGAME".

He was the former holder of the semicolon ";" gem, but as of episode 4, he is the current holder of the question mark "?" gem. The ; (semicolon) gem seems to make letters stick together like how a real semicolon connects sentences.

After the events of the epilogue, N decided to stand up for F, further strengthening their friendship, forming the ampersand ā€œ&ā€ gem with the question mark ā€œ?ā€ gem and semicolon ā€œ;ā€ gem until Episode 3.


N's eyes are spaced far apart, one lower than the other. His mouth is located under the "\" shape on the left side. In his superhero form, he has muscles, reflective eyes, and a yellow streak of hair, and it causes the "Ƒ" shape. In his ultra form, he has additional hair from L's and M's forms, and for some reason, his eyelids turn maroon.


N is timid and a bit clumsy but is very kind and caring.


Alphabet Lore

As a child, n was best friends with f, along with r, i, e, d, and s. One day, l and o decided to beat up n for an unexplained reason. As revenge, f used a, r, and t to make the word fart and embarrass l too make it look like he is farting, causing many letters including n to laugh. When l and o pushed f into the word "frick", n watched in pure horror as the letters beat him up. Before he can do anything, l, m, and o block him from f. As a result, n is forced to hang out with them and looks back at f in sorrow from his cave.

At some point before F's attack, N grew into an adult.

As an adult, N has joined The LMNOP Crew, where he possesses the semicolon ; gem that allows two letters to be stuck together, which was one of the last gems cried out by F. Unfortunately, he was abused and neglected by the leaders L and O, as they harshly criticized him when he failed to rescue I from F's head, and also getting his gem stolen. Despite this, M and P kept him motivated to continue the mission to stop F.

During the battle in U, N hid behind G in fear, who was possessed with L's period gem that left him motionless. When F attempted to come around the corner and spot N, C distracted F by biting him, causing F to tear C to death, as everyone involved including N watched in horror. Later on, N helps G form the word GUN to shoot "F", but in reality they shot P by accident, killing her too.

On the way to F's cave, N, feeling guilty and responsible for his friends' deaths, imagines himself in a black void with the word "COWARD," implying him to be one. In his nightmare, he sees two spotlights of C and P who are being approached by F clones, with what appears to be G blocking N from them. As N turns around to confront G, it reveals to be F, who bites at him and causes him to snap out of it while driving the VAN.

Once they reach the cave after X failed to stop F, N confronts F, who dropped all five gems across the cave which N collected. He uses all five gems to form a rainbow beam that instantly kills F. Once everything is done, Q comes along to reveal the story of what F did with a question mark ? gem, and as such N felt immediate remorse. Z helps N out by turning back time to before F runs away to the cave.

In the new timeline, N, now a child again, this time confronts l and o and sticks up to f, where the two get beaten up happily together and both venture to the cave.

Number Lore

In the new timeline, F and N are still friends in the cave and party together with their conjoined "&" gem. However, when A and V ask N for help to rescue X, F doesn't allow N to go. As such, N forcefully breaks apart the gem, reclaims his ";" gem, and goes off to help, with F upset that he lost the last person that meant anything to him.

Later on, L and O successfully stop the numbers, but L decides it's best to launch the calculator ship at F, who earlier on mocked his failure against the numbers, leaving N horrified about F's fate. N then uses himself, A, and V to form the VAN again, which N uses to rush to F's cave, even going as far as to use his gem to turn the van itself into its super form. When N arrives, F's cave is slowly about to collapse, but manages to break through the falling rocks and get to F. Upon finding him alongside a trapped L, N tries to explain himself, but F calls off their friendship and walks into the calculator ship via its cracked button hub, which his question mark gem flew into. N repeatedly tries to reason with his friend, but to no avail.

Shortly after, F's gem flies into the calculator ship's launch button, powering the ship in the process and recoloring it entirely black as N and L watch on. The episode then ends in a cliffhanger as N proceeds to use his semicolon gem to restrain the ship from taking off. But after he failed to restrain the ship, Broken-hearted, he lies on the ground to watch it fly by.


Episode Appearances

Episode count: 16

He appeared in 43% of all episodes.

Additional information


  • N appears to be very self-conscious, as he is shown to be quick to (reluctantly) side with L, M, and O after F was bullied as lowercase.
  • N transforms into a letter in the Spanish alphabet, Ƒ, with his hair in the shape of the tilde accent (~).
    • N is also the only letter with an accent in Alphabet Lore.
  • He is represented by the word "COWARD" as shown in the episode "W".
  • N is the only letter colored orange.
  • Although he is the main protagonist of the series, some letters have appeared more than him. (ex. A, F, and G)
  • Despite O's super form not having hair, there is a strip of blue hair when N gets (almost) all the gems.
  • N's size is inconsistent in the series, for example, in his debut episode, he is shown to be almost the same size as M, but in the episode: "V", he is shown to be very small compared to M. Three other examples of his constantly changing size, can be seen in "Y", he is shown to be very similar in height to Y. In nZ..., He's kinda similiar of e's size, but in a later scene, he's even more smaller than all the letters, but in "Now I Know My ABCs", Y is much taller than N. In his debut episode, he is shown to be just slightly shorter than F, but in a later episode, N is extremely shorter than F. The reason is unknown.
    • N's small size may be a reference to N-Scale model trains, as these are a small scale size.
  • Due to F wanting to get his friendship back with N, he is the only letter in the word: "Friends" who F did not try to kidnap.
  • He does a Sailor Moon esque transformation in Y.
  • In P, he already lost his Semicolon gem before Episode Q came.
  • N was one of the few letters who didn't bully F when they were lowercase, alongside G, P, Q, Y, and Z.
  • N choosing to side with L and O in the old timeline after they bullied him may showcase N is not only seen as a coward, but he also may have Stockholm Syndrome
  • His missing tooth and black eye never healed, even though the former happened at an age where teeth are lost and grow back, and the latter shouldā€™ve healed in a few weeks because black eyes are bruises. That proves that letters never heal.
  • The reason why N is orange is because the Spanish word for orange is ā€œnaranjaā€, which starts with the letter N.
  • N, Q and Z are the only letters that are aware of the previous timeline according to Geoff.


For N's merch click here



Audio Description


Audio Description


'Alphabet Lore'
Letters A ā€¢ B ā€¢ C ā€¢ D ā€¢ E ā€¢ F ā€¢ G ā€¢ H ā€¢ I ā€¢ J ā€¢ K ā€¢ L ā€¢ M ā€¢ N ā€¢ O ā€¢ P ā€¢ Q ā€¢ R ā€¢ S ā€¢ T ā€¢ U ā€¢ V ā€¢ W ā€¢ X ā€¢ Y ā€¢ Z
Numbers 1 (One) ā€¢ 2 (Two) ā€¢ 3 (Three) ā€¢ 4 (Four) ā€¢ 5 (Five) ā€¢ 6 (Six) ā€¢ 7 (Seven) ā€¢ 8 (Eight) ā€¢ 9 (Nine) ā€¢ 0 (Zero)
Misc. Mike Salcedo ā€¢ Moth eggs