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Alphabet Lore Wiki

Here is a table list of all of the objects that appeared in Alphabet Lore, including the non-canon one.

More objects won't have their own pages due to concerns relating to page clutter.

List of objects[]

Title Image Description Formed by Appears in Additional information
Chains ChainedUpD They are used by F to hold Letters. N/A F, Q, Y, ‌nZ..., Now I Know My ABCs
  • I, E, D, and S were held by them.
  • It is the first object, which isn't formed by a word, to appear in canon.
  • They haven't appeared in Number Lore yet.
CAB CAB It is a yellow vehicle, as C's body, with a face on front, B's blue eyes as wheels, and the driver is A. A, B, C G, H, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, T, ‌nZ..., Now I Know My ABCs
  • It is the first object, which is formed by a word, to appear in canon.
  • It hasn't appeared in Number Lore yet.
Hat A's hatPNG It is seen on top of A's head when they form the word, "CAB". N/A G, H, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, T, ‌nZ..., Now I Know My ABCs
Gems L's GemM's GemN's GemO's GemP's GemX's GemQ (?)'s GemZ's GemsAmpersandPlusgem3 - 1 = 2 (minus) gem Green gemPurple gemOrange gem They are crystals that give Letters special powers and are able to create Numbers. N/A L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, X, Y, ‌nZ..., Now I Know My ABCs, Next Time Won't You Sing With Me?, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
  • They have the highest episode count ever out of all other objects.
  • There are three gems that are currently unknown.
MAP MAP2 It is a map with the part of the M as eyes and the front, the part of the A as the back, and the part of the P as eyes on top of it. A, M, P R, S, T, U, ‌nZ..., Now I Know My ABCs, 1
GUN G-U-N It is a green pistol with a face and orange features, and G is holding it. G, N, U V, ‌nZ..., Now I Know My ABCs
  • Not counting cameos, they have only appeared in a single episode overall.
  • They haven't appeared in Number Lore yet.
Clouds Clouds Like in the real world, they are a part of the sky, and they fly through the air and can be found way up high. N/A V, ‌nZ..., Now I Know My ABCs
  • Not counting cameos, they have only appeared in a single episode overall.
  • They haven't appeared in Number Lore yet.
Spotlights AlphaLore-s1e23-screenshot9 Like in the real world, they are used to reveal. N/A W, 3
VAN VAnVAÑ It is a red vehicle, as A's body, with a face on front, V's blue eyes as wheels, and the driver is N. A, N, V W, X, Y, ‌nZ..., Now I Know My ABCs, 3, 4
  • It is the only object where it appears as a super form.
Goo F’s Goo It is a sticky subtance with eyes and teeth, and used to seperate the Letters inside the F's cave. It can come from inside F's stomach. N/A Y, ‌nZ..., Now I Know My ABCs
  • R and S were covered in goo when they were kidnapped.
  • A, G, M, U, and V were covered in goo, but unlike R and S, they weren't kidnapped.
Calculator Ship Calculator It is a ship that Numbers used to travel to different planets. N/A Next Time Won't You Sing With Me?, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
1's Computer One Computer It is a computer that is located inside the Calculator Ship. N/A Next Time Won't You Sing With Me?, 1, 2, 3, 4
X Tracker WireframeYM (X tracker)X TrackerWireframeBQ on “X tracker” It is used by One to track "Find X". It shows a blue screen and says the names in binary at the top. N/A 1, 4
Math-Machine 1+1=2 It was used to make Numbers using Gems. N/A 2, 3, 4, 5
  • It was destroyed by G and P on F’s cave.
BIKE BIKE It is a blue vehicle, as B's body, with an area, as I's body, K's yellow and white eyes as wheels, and the driver is E. B, E, I, K 3, 4
WATCH Watch It is a clock used by F. A, C, H, T, W N/A (Non-canon)
  • It is the only object that is not canon.
Objects in 'Alphabet Lore'
Objects CABGemsMAPVANCalculator ShipBIKE