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Alphabet Lore Wiki

Letters are fictional species that appeared and debuted in Alphabet Lore.


Latin Letters[]

They are canon to Alphabet Lore, as well as having the ability to spell a word, and can even speak with emotions, but not words. They are based on the Latin script, which consists of 26 basic letters.

Name Normal Super Ultra Child(ren)
A ALowercase A (Merch)
B BBaby b merch
C CrealisticBaby c merch
D DrealisticBaby d merch
E EE (Lowercase Merch)
F FMerchLowercase f merch
G GMerch baby g Goo goo ga
H HrealisticBaby h lowercaseHbeforehedied
I INewBaby i merch
J JNewBaby j merch
K KNewBaby k merch MotheggPNG
L LinMerchBaby l merch SuperFormL
M MNewLowercaseM HQ Super M
N NNewBaby n lowercase SuperFormN Super N with Frown
O ONewBaby o merch SuperFormO
P PNewBaby p merch SuperformP
Q QNewBaby q merch
R RNewBaby r merch
S SNewLowercase s merch
T TNewBaby t merch
U USmileBaby u merch
V VNewBaby v merch
W WNewBaby w merch
X XNewBaby X merch
Y YBaby y merch
Z ZNewLowercase Z

Hangul Letters[]

They only appeared in 알파벳로어 놀이세트!!! (OFFICIAL Korean 'Alphabet Lore' Toys UNBOXING!), and are non-canon. They are based on Hangul.

Korean Letters
Name (Korean) Name (English) Transliteration Design Latin Counterpart
'egg' Al Korean1 A
'as' Lo Korean2 L
'this' I Korean3 O
세트 'set' (together)

'count crack' (seperated)

Se (left) Tue (right) Korean4 N/A

Additional information[]


  • According to Galneda, all of them have eyelashes, though they’re not seen, with exceptions of P, W, and Y.
  • The Latin Letters are the only canon ones to appear in Alphabet Lore.
  • Most of Hangul Letters appear to resemble Latin Letters.
    • 세트 are the only Hangul Letters to have unique designs.
'Alphabet Lore'
Numbers 1 (One)2 (Two)3 (Three)4 (Four)5 (Five)6 (Six)7 (Seven)8 (Eight)9 (Nine)0 (Zero)
Misc. Mike SalcedoMoth eggs