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Alphabet Lore Wiki

J is the 10th letter of the alphabet. He was used to indirectly spell the word "JERK." He also spelled the abbreviation "JK."


J is a lavender colored J. Both his eyes and mouth are located on the inner of the letter, and the end of his body forms a shape that resembles a chin or buttocks. His eyes are small and stuck with his mouth just underneath. Like I, he can shoot from his head. As a child, his tittles could only do as much as break F's teeth, but as an adult, he can shoot laser beams.


Alphabet Lore[]

J did not show up as a lowercase letter until after F pulled a fart prank on L, and L retaliated by making F spell "frick". J then shot F using his cannonball-shooting ability, damaging F's teeth and showing why F's teeth are so sharp.

Somewhere before F's attack, J turned into an adult.

Right after debuting in J, he got executed by F from a cannonball from I, turning him into ashes. Sometime between R and S, J’s ashes burned away. His death was before Z reversed time.

Number Lore[]

In the new timeline, J is alive and well; as a result, he plays a much bigger role in this season. He alongside W was residing by the cliff on Z when the number ship showed up and crashed into the ground, nearly reaching him, but stopped just before. After 3 revealed himself, he blasts a fire beam at J, but he was quickly saved by K and she used him to fire his laser beam back at 3, causing a war to go on. While J was succeeding, 3 swoops his tongue through and forcefully grabs him and K, slamming them into the ground and mildly injuring both letters.

In the succeeding episode, shortly after L hurled the calculator ship into F's cave, J was among the letters who looked at L in disgust as the latter laughed at F's presumed demise, alongside E, R, and K. They indirectly called L a jerk by lining up to spell the word. Both he and K also appear to be completely unscathed, implying they quickly recovered from their struggle against 3.


Episode Appearances[]

Episode count: 12

He appeared in 32% of all episodes, including the cameo appearances.

Additional information[]


  • People thought that J's protruding lower end was a large pair of buttocks or something else. It was revealed a large cleft chin. (Citation needed)
    • It may also be so that J resembles Jay Leno, who begins with J and has a large chin.
  • J has appeared for the shortest amount of screen time out of all the letters, appearing only for around 2 seconds.
    • As a lowercase, he has 4 seconds of screen time.
  • In "nZ...", it is revealed he has the same cannonball shooting ability as I, although much less powerful. This is also a reference to the "tittle", or the dot on top of lowercase I's and J's.
    • Though in 3, it seemed to function as a laser beam.
  • J and W have said their name the least amount of times in Alphabet Lore, only one time. As of 3, he said his name again, making it 2 times.
  • Though his “buttocks” were confirmed to be a chin, he is the only character who knows that and the others debate.[1]


For J's merch go here



Audio Description


Audio Description


  1. Chin
'Alphabet Lore'
Numbers 1 (One)2 (Two)3 (Three)4 (Four)5 (Five)6 (Six)7 (Seven)8 (Eight)9 (Nine)0 (Zero)
Misc. Mike SalcedoMoth eggs