Gems are elements that cause letters to get powers. They are created from tears of letters. They are based off of punctuation marks.
L (.), M (,), N (F) (;), O (:), P (!), Q (N) (?), X (*). Z (...)
- (Full stop .) Freezes a letter/shot like a period does at the end of a sentence. Owned by L, best shown by F in T (Episode).
- (Comma ,) Slows down letter/shot when shot, like a comma does in a sentence. Owned by M, best shown by F in U (Episode). In Number Lore, if you look closely, small cracks could be seen on it.
- (Semicolon ;) Sticks, conjoins letters, like a semicolon does in a sentence. Currently owned by F; owned by N in the previous timeline and up until Episode 4. Best shown by F in T (Episode).
- (Colon :) Also conjoins letters to the gem, like a colon does in a sentence; can also conjoin gems. Owned by O, best shown by F in U (Episode). Its powers can be nullified using One's blowtorch, as seen in part one of 4 (Episode).
- (Exclamation mark !) Allows the user to run at superhuman speeds, like an exclamation point does at the end of a sentence. Owned by P, best shown by P in U (Episode).
- (Question mark ?) Allows the user to see into the future, cast a protective barrier around themselves, access other letter's thoughts and memories, generate and manipulate slime, and indirectly possess technology. In the original timeline, it was previously owned by Q. In the current timeline, it is currently held by N, thought F wielded this gem alongside him until Episode 3, after which F wielded it until it was swapped with the semicolon gem in Episode 4. Passive abilities best shown by Q in Y (Episode)/nZ...; defensive, gookinetic, and technokinetic abilities best shown by F in 4 (Episode).
- (Asterisk *) Multiplies the chosen letter with no limit, like the multiplication symbol. Owned by X, best shown by X in X (Episode). The asterisk was chosen because it’s an alternate for the multiplication symbol. (like 5*7 and 5x7 can both equal 35). In Number Lore, it was stolen by One, who currently wields it, as of episode 2.
- (Ellipses ...) Rewinds time to any period in the past. When used with the question mark symbol, future information is brought to the past by the gem's wearer, enabling letters to change the past. Owned by Z, best shown by Z in Now I Know My ABCs.
- When used with the question mark (?) symbol, future information can be brought into the past, enabling the current wearer to be more weary of their actions, thus giving them the choice to redo their actions. When redone, any event that happened after is rewritten, thus changing the past, as best shown by N in Now I Know My ABCs.
- (And/Ampersand &) Creates light, similar to a disco ball. It is made by combining the semicolon ";" gem, owned by F, and the question mark "?" gem, owned by N, best shown in 3; destroyed as of this episode; temporarily reformed in 4.
- (Plus +) Adds numbers together, seen in the Calculator Ship. Four numbers have been created using this gem: Two, Three, Four, and Five.
- (Minus -) Functions similarly to the plus gem, but uses subtraction to form a number. Only Green Two has been created using this gem.
- In non-canon, makeship gem was first used by F, but it may be used by other letters in the future, Q is most likely to have used this gem.
Objects in 'Alphabet Lore'
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Objects | CAB • Gems • MAP • VAN • Calculator Ship • BIKE |