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Alphabet Lore Wiki

This page is about the father letter. For the son letter, go here.

G is the seventh letter of the alphabet and the deuteragonist of the Alphabet Lore series, as well as a minor character in the Number Lore series. He was used to make the word "GUN." In non canon content, he was used to spell "ENDGAME".


As a child, g had a love interest for p as he was seen being kissed by her, and g was laughing/trampled by f when f was bullied.

Sometime before F's attack, G turned into an adult.

In G, he introduces himself but is interrupted by F trampling over him, angering G. He calls A, B and C to make "CAB" to track down F. In H, G and "CAB" miss F hiding behind H, after which F inhales H and farts him out. In J, G searches for F, when he suddenly hears J being annihilated by I's cannonball. In K, G along with A, B and C shut their eyes frightened by certain death. In L, M, N and O, they are fascinated by L, M, N and O's powers. In P, G blushes as P looks at him. In R, G uses "MAP" to find F. In T, G along with A, B, C, M, N and P arrive at F's location. Unfortunately, G is frozen by F using L's gem. In U, N hides behind G as A, M and L fail to defeat F. As he finishes defeating P, F approaches G, until he senses that N is hiding behind G. G looks around, looking at N. C bites F, dragging his attention, and F kills C and makes B immobile, and F flies away in fear. G and A, M and N mourn the losses of B and C. G and N then approached U, to make "GUN". In V, as F is about to attack V, G uses "GUN" and shoots at F, but unknowingly actually at P. P dies, and a heartbroken G curses at F. In W, after N wakes up from his nightmare, G directs N to F's cave. In Y, G travels inside F's Cave along with A, M, N and U, in which A, G, M and U get swallowed by F's manipulation goo. He is freed after F is killed by Ñ. After Q shows why F had done what he did, G saddens.

In Number Lore’s timeline, he’s the father, along with P being the mother.


Episode Appearances

Episode count: 21

He appeared in 56% of all episodes, including non-original and shadow appearances.

Additional information


  • The entire reason G tracked down F is because F trampled him, and had nothing to do with F spelling "FRICK".
    • G may have anger issues. Otherwise, he might be an informant.
    • It is also possible that G held a grudge on F for ruining his "date" with P in the past or G just knew what F is doing.
    • The way F tramples G in the G episode could be a back-shadowing to when he was trampled before.
    • Since then, G getting ran over by various things has become a running gag.
  • G is the only known character to speak in Morse Code, until his son would make his debut.
  • In V, G accidentally killed P because he thought she was F.
  • Despite having such an important role in the main story, G ironically barely shows up in F´s origin story.
  • G is the largest letter in the series (not counting Z).
  • He mentions his name, C, A, B, P, F, and U in Morse Code ( --. -.-. .- -... .--. ..-. ..-)
  • G was one of the few letters who didn't bully F when they were all kids, alongside N, P, Q, Y, and Z.
  • G's large size may be a reference to G-Scale model trains, the largest scale size.


  • G's shape is inspired by the signature of Mike's good friend, Geoff Galneda.


For G’s merchandise go here.

For lowercase G’s merchandise go here.



Audio Description


Audio Description

See Also


  1. C&G
'Alphabet Lore'
Numbers 1 (One)2 (Two)3 (Three)4 (Four)5 (Five)6 (Six)7 (Seven)8 (Eight)9 (Nine)0 (Zero)
Misc. Mike SalcedoMoth eggs