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Alphabet Lore Wiki

Four, or simply 4, is a supporting antagonist from Number Lore by Mike Salcedo, the sequel series to Alphabet Lore. She is a snake-like number 4.


4 is a dark slate gray number 4 with a tan underside. Her skin color is similar to L, but the latter is a lighter shade; her underside color is similar to Q. Depending on the angle, she has 6 horns. Two of them jut from her forehead and 4 from the side of her head, in addition to red scales on the back that closely resemble thorns, four red sharp teeth also likely jut from the mouth (two upper and two lower), two spikes on her tail which extends also when she extends like a vine, this makes her the appearance of a snake, specifically a viper.


Episode Appearances[]

NOTE: This teased appearance count is alongside true appearances.

Episode count: 3

She appeared in 8% of all episodes, including the teased appearance.

Additional information[]


  • Four is the third character overall in the series to not have black pupils, following H and W, who have white and red pupils, respectively, and the third whose sclera are not white, after H (black) and 3 (yellow).
  • Four is also the second character that doesn't have any pupils, the first being K, although K has shine in her eyes.
  • Many people didn't expect Four will be female because they thought that Number Lore wouldn't have female characters.
  • Four has exactly four colors, being dark slate gray (main part), tan (underside), orange (eyes and tongue), red (fangs and teeth).
    • Other numbers obey this pattern, despite white and black. One is totally royal blue, 2 is mainly yellow except orange on eyes, and Three has red body, yellow eyes and a blue tongue.
    • 5 however did not follow this pattern, because he only has an orange body and a teal-ish blue tongue.
  • She is the second perfect square number. The first was 1, the third will be Nine, and the last will be 0. (Mike confirmed that only single-digit numbers will be in Number Lore).
  • She is the first semi-prime number (a number whose is product of two primes).
  • A popular guess from the community was that everyone thought Four was green. Then she was revealed to be a similar color, making most of their predictions having the accurate color.
  • Four is also the first overall character:
    • That has orange eyes.
    • Whose eyes are not shaped like the rounded-squares.
      • This is possibly because Mike said there will be an ability of hers that will come from her eyes some point later in the series.
    • Whose teeth are red.
    • According to Mike and Galneda, Four is the first female number in the series. This makes her the fifth overall female in the series, after K, P, W, and Y.
    • That has visibly different-colored ventrals.
  • Four's chlorokinetic ability is a pun on the square root of 4 being an integer, and her Roman numerals is “IV”, which is a pun on the ivy leaf.
  • Four is the second serpentine character in the series, after S, in addition to the second character capable of burrowing, after T.
  • She is the first plant character, but comes after a long line of animal characters.
  • People didn't expect that 4 would look like its a little front facing because in 4 silhouette, there's a tiny gap near to the fang visible in the silhouette.
  • 4's two spike in her back and horns are things to illustrate Four as a number 4.
  • Her design is very similar to the Dragon Zombie enemies from the game Cave Story. It is unknown if this is intentional or not.
  • She and Y have manly voices, while Mike has proven he can do a girly voice if P and the W sisters are any indication.
  • Her name is said British, with the r being silent, being “fvoohhh” instead of “vfouerrr”
    • It seems like numbers are having British accents.


  • Her fangs and tail are likely inspired by thorns.
    • Her tail is likely based on Snowball II's tail from Simpsons.
  • Her two from the side of her head are likely inspired by Felix the Cat.
  • Her skin and belly colors are likely inspired by Snorlax from Pokémon.
  • Her head is likely inspired by Haunter from Pokémon.


Audio Description


'Alphabet Lore'
Numbers 1 (One)2 (Two)3 (Three)4 (Four)5 (Five)6 (Six)7 (Seven)8 (Eight)9 (Nine)0 (Zero)
Misc. Mike SalcedoMoth eggs