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The CAB is a vehicle formed when A, B, and C join together to spell the word. In G, G summons them together to find F faster. Due to the death of C and immobility of B, the CAB was replaced with the VAN.


A is the driver (who also appears to have an "arm" stuck out the window, in addition to a brown hat), B appears as the wheels and the window of the cab, and C is the mobile itself. On the top of it reads "cab". Passengers sit in the back. Like real cabs, there's also a checker plate on the side.

To destroy the cab, one must either bang the side of it twice (demonstrated by P in R) or A, B, and C will choose to deform themselves.

Additional Information[]


  • This was the first word to be spelled.
  • "Superhero Theme" by Rafael Krux is the theme song for the CAB.
  • As of now, it is the only vehicle to appear in Season 1. Could appear in Seasons 2 or 3 potentially.
Objects in 'Alphabet Lore'
Objects CABGemsMAPVANCalculator ShipBIKE