3 (Episode)/Possible Trancript
(zoom in to Q, Y, M AND B)
Q: Kyoo, kyoo
(Q gets a idea)
Q: Kyo!
(G comes up to q)
G: Geuh?
(q explains that a number has kidnapped x)
G: Geuh....
(F and N come up to g and Q)
F: eaf?
G: Ge, Ge!
(ship slithers in)
S: Ess...
G: Ge!
(h appears)
H: heeeeache....
G: ge, ge ge!
(i drops)
I: eye!
(P runs in)
P: P!
(the word ship gets formed, All the letters including q, g, who's holding the injured ones F and n go to the ship and leave the planet Z. cut to the 2 ones and 2, looking at X)
X: ex...
(they get alerted by something. the letters are after them)
(one angry)
(number ship goes superspeed mode)
(the letters ship goes superspeed mode too. cut to 1 and 2, 1 grabs X)
X: Ex!
(cut to the fusion cell with 3's silhouette and x gets worried)
X: Eh, Ex?
1: One!
Expurge Content and Templates - July 2023
Event: ECT-July 2023
If you're reading this, it is because this template or file was removed in compliance with the Alphabet Lore's Rules and an expurge event executed by Eterhox, specifically under section Files/Content and Pages, code #1 and #5.
As stated in Code #5: "...the Alphabet Lore Staff team reserves the right to remove, protect, and modify files if necessary." This statement also applies to templates as they are considered files.
The potential reasons for this file's removal are:
A) It doesn't meet the wiki's policies.
B) It contains stolen material from another wiki.
C) It contains unapproved material (templates).
There may be other reasons to why this file was removed.
If you believe that this file was wrongly removed for any reason, …
About Extended Alphabet Lore...
So back in February, I released 2 parts of a AL fanseries called Extended Alphabet Lore. I was half-way done through Part 3, but I couldn't continue since school started in march for me. So I decided to undercover everything of the fanseries.
Here is all the parts 1-3 NOTE: Part 3 was never released, but I made half of part 3's script, and the storyboard of the other half. And this is what it will look like together.
Part 1 (A-D): The Exposition
A: Ayyyyyy
the car crashes towards H*
A, B, & G: *become dizzy for a few seconds*
G: *stands up and looks at H frightened*
A & B: *also look at H frightened*
H: *appears cut in half and ran over*
B: *walks towards H's body and cries*
A & G: *sadly stand in front of B and H's body*
X: *stares at H's actual dea…
The Alphabet Lore Hurt and Heal (My version)
Inspired by @Vintila Andrei is back
G (26th) - Pushed off a cliff
H (25th) - Blew up in a volcano
V (24th) - Fell down an avalanche
C (23th) - Chainsawed in half
Y (22nd) - Blew up in flames
T (21st) - Plane accident
B (20th) - Buried in quicksand
M (19th) - Fell into the void
X (18th) - Eaten alive by F
E (17th) - Melted away in hot water
Q (16th) - Tumbled down Mount Everest
N (15th) - Washed away by ocean waves
U (14th) - Firework accident
I (13th) - Eating too much spicy food
K (12th) - Smashed right into a spike barrier
P (11th) - Buried in powder snow
S (10th) - Drowned
J (9th) - Kung fu kicked right in the butt chin
R (8th) - Sliced into three pieces
W (7th) - Shot by an arrow right through the middle
D (6th) - Car crashed into a cash truck
A (5th) - Ea…
July 2023 Overview
Salutations ! Thanks for tuning in to another episode of the monthly overview hosted by me! In today's overview, we'll discuss news related to Fandom, this wiki, and Alphabet Lore.
Before we do so, I'll like to recognize and wish well on our users that have left the staff team this month:
- Bruhshard1 (Rollback and Content Moderator) - From March 26, 2023 to July 13, 2023
- Spongyboi22845 (Administrator) - From November 20, 2023 to July 19, 2023
- AndewIsCool777 (Rollback) - From July 19, 2023 to July 26, 2023
Let's move on to Fandom News with that out of the way!
- 1 Fandom News
- 1.1 Social Proof
- 1.2 Disability Pride Month
- 2 Alphabet Lore Wiki
- 2.1 Edit Milestone | 30k edits
- 2.2 Policy Update
- 3 Alphabet Lore
- 3.1 Plushies
In Fandom's latest Technical Blog, written by Jpe…
June 2023 Overview
Hey everyone! It's great to be back with another monthly overview of all the exciting things that happened in June. As usual, we've got a lot to cover, from the latest news and events to some of the most interesting topics and discussions on our wiki. So sit back, relax, and let's dive into what made June such a memorable month! I'm Eterhox, typing on behalf of my fellow bureaucrat, Tabbloide, and I'll be your host for today. Before we get into the meat of the overview, let's take the time to congratulate and say farewell to those who have joined and left the staff team!
|J is the 10th letter in the Alphabet.
Three (episode)
Three is the third episode of Number Lore, and the 30th episode of Alphabet Lore overall.
- 1 Characters
- 1.1 Numbers
- 1.2 Letters
- 2 Trivia
- Three
- Two
- One
Almost every letter
- Mike said a status update about the release date: If I had to guess, I'd guess about 2.5 - 3 months from now. I don't like to lock down a release date this early because, like Episode 2, I know it could easily end up taking longer than expected. I do have some more animation help this time around, but I will say Episode 3 is already bigger than Episode 2. These episodes are getting bigger and cooler as the season progresses, so I hope they're all worth the wait.
Three is an upcoming character in Alphabet Lore.
Unknown, but it is known they have 3 teeth.
- People had assumed he would be red, to fit with the primary colours in RYB.
P & G's Child
P's Grandma
P's Grandpa (Passed Away)
P's Mom
P's Dad
G's Dad (Passed Away)
G's Mom
G's Grandparents (Passed Away)
P & G's Child
He Is Cute
He Is 5 Years Old
Latin-based words I made up
- Duplicivita - Two lives.
- Mulgerelitteraloraphobia - Does not like cringe Alphabet Lore milking.
- tormentum aeternum - Eternal torment.
May 2023 Overview
Welcome back, and everyone else tuning in! My name is Eterhox, and I'll be your host for May's Overview.
This month has been interesting to say the least, for both the community and the staff here at this wiki. Before we dive deep into the wilderness of news, I'll like to congratulate 3 staff members for either being promoted during the month of May or joining the staff team.
I'll like to congratulate the following users:
- Dababyhitrapperandartistdababy (for being reinstated back as a Thread Moderator)
- NoobyLord33 (for being reinstated back as a Thread Moderator)
- LostSnowDust (for being promoted to a bureaucrat)
that we got that out of the way, let's get on to business.
- 1 News #1: Number Lore - Episode 2
- 2 News #2: Fan Central
- 3 News #3: AlphaRed 2
- 4 N…
Three will be the third character in the Number Lore series. Not much is known about him, because Mike Salcedo hasn't released his titular episode yet.
My Whole Russian Alphabet Lore
A - Same as English
Б - Equivalent of B
B - Equivalent of V
Г - Equivalent of G
Д - Equivalent of D
E - Same as English
Ë - He is E's Brother. His appearance looks like an E but his is on top and has dark skin.
Ж - Equivalent of J
З - Equivalent of Joke Z
И - Equivalent of I but little less dark.
Й - Equivalent of I but dark and evil. He is Ц's Brother.
Перезагрузка знаний об архаическом русском алфавите
Calculator: НАЙДЕН ДЭХ
Komi De: *anger*
Yo sees Em being hurt*
i have stepped down from my dmod position
I have resigned.
If you know, i have been a cmod (december 31, 2022) and moved to dmod (january 27 2022), i have been like dont know what to do in there, so i just kinda moderate :/ I don't do my job that much, and thats not the reason i just resigned.
- My ADHD/ADD and Mental Health.
- School, too. I have to focus on school and grades.
- The cringy alphabet lore community, kinda obvious.
- I don't moderate that much
, if you're reading this then Adios, i am permanently stepping down and i have zero plans of rejoining. I'll not be active on this wiki that much from now on. But still active on the discord server.
Thanks for the fun nerds
Hello everyone
I have resigned from discussions moderator for a lot of reasons:
Firstly, my mental health issues caused my resignation from discussions moderator.
Second of all, I am losing a lot of interest in alphabet lore and 55% of the community are dramatic, weird and impatient.
Third of all, I have deemed myself as unfit for user rights.
Fourth of all, I have a lot of stuff to do IRL and I was trying my hardest to help.
Finally, I realised that I may become inactive soon.
I’m hoping the wiki continues without me as a staff and a lot of improvement happens after the six resignations that happened (my resignation included).
Thanks for the ride,
War of the Words
Ain't much I can say my myself
(That's tragic)
Wish I could be something else
(That's a bit dramatic)
My days are wasted waitin'
For someone's punctuation...
But if you gave me some help
We could make some magic!
Cus together we'll spell it out
Any letter can help us out
If you find some friends you can find a way!
(It's working! We're learning!)
What better place to start than А?
(Keep dreaming! Who's screaming?!)
OMG, RIP, They just killed Й!
Who did it? Would it be too obvious if У did it?
Ц, wasn't Ы a witness?
A letter of the law wants a consonant of interest
It's time to rock, like my font was impact
Thought I smelled justice, but it was just my gym bag!
We're the letters who are ready for war!
My Name is Coffee
In my soft boots.
I'm not far
I'm tired of being angry
Both feet on the ground.
So, let's begin.
my name is coffee
I see myself
parks and forests;
Then comes the harvest.
I don't know where I'm going
but i know i'm sad
my name is coffee
go away
But both feet are on the ground.
Too early.
I wear big brown shoes.
So we went to the forest.
Did you see what we saw?
A yellow butterfly sits on a tree.
my house is dirty
Look at the pine bark and needles.
powerful gun?
Be careful, don't touch anything...
my name is chocolate
I see myself
parks and forests;
Then comes the harvest.
I don't know where I'm going
But I know that I have limits.
my name is chocolate
reset everything.
Both feet on the ground.
Now he's going to war.
Thanks to these wonderful researchers!
A big bear. …
Greetings! My name is Eterhox and I'm a bureaucrat for this wiki. First order of business, the AlphaRed update. (Note: This is nerd stuff - if you're not into that, please leave this blog).
I've never really got to go into depth more into the AlphaRed update so let's get that cleared...but first, you must know what AlphaRed is.
What is AlphaRed?ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
AlphaRed (or Alphabet Red) is the name of my theme that I've made for this wiki. This theme basically uses the color red, and other colors with it as the color palatte. It's nothing really interesting.
So now that you've got at least an understanding of what it is, let's (actually) get into depth. This theme is essentially something that I've been looking forward to since February of 2023. The …
Grand Alphabet Lore Gallery
- A is a happy guy who’s very optimistic.
- B is the opposite of A, a guy who’s all about safety and not trusting. Chill though.
- C
- D
- E
- F is the evil villain who tries to spell “FRIENDS”.
- G
- H
- I
- J is a classical player and a tea lover.
- K is a moth.
- L is one of the masterminds behind F’s evil personality.
- M
- N is a hero, but a coward.
- O would have the exact same description as L.
- P
- Q
- R
- S
- T is sensitive, happy-go-lucky, and the opposite of W.
- U
- V
- W is a rockstar. She’s reckless and doesn’t care.
- X
- Y is a wizz. She loves playing games and history.
- Z is the planet where all the letters live on.
All captured by F.
- Thorn - Betrayed by Y, T, and H. Thorn’s system is glitched and has shut down at the events of Episode 4.
- One was sent from a spaceship to get letters, and ate X.
- Two i…
prediction for 2
Since April is over, 2 will probably release in May!!
Mike Salcedo announced that in April, 2 might come out but it did not. So maybe it got delayed to May!!
April 2023 Overview
Salutations, , and everyone else who is reading! I'm Tabbloide, and I'll be the one to lead you through this month's overview. It was an interesting month, to say the least. Before we jump straight into the action, I'd like to congratulate the following users to their ascension to staff and adminship respectively as well as commemorate and say farewell to those who left us this month.
Thank you for your time, everyone, and a special shout out to you, , for being awesome this month. I hope to see you at the end of next month in May and the beginning of the summer months and a halfway point to the year. Farewell everyone, have a fabulous day!
Regarding the DeviantArt situation and recent edits
Please not add stuff that the “Mike Salcedo” DeviantArt account has said as the account hasn’t been confirmed by Mike Salcedo yet.
Doing so would either lead to a notice or a warning depending on the frequency.
Thanks for reading
2 prediction
- Episode begins
- 2: Twwwwwwwwwooooo!
- 1 is seen holding X hostage and 2 is in his room.
- We investigate.
- 2: Twwwwooo?
- Back on earth, SHIP is formed and ABC cameo.
- A² + B² + C² equation. S obtains the ² gems.
- Cliffhanger as the letters chase after 1. Letters like F and N stay back and watch neutrally.
- Episode ends
Regarding the raid
Hello, everyone. A few hours ago, a user claimed that a raid will be happening today. While we are not sure about whether or not that threat will come to fruition, we recommend all users to report any strange happenings they may see on the wiki just in case.
- Local staff
- Spam Obliteration and Prevention (SOAP)
- Fandom Staff
Local staff - Us staff members are ready in case of a raid, there are over 20 of us and most likely not a lot of them, we have got you covered. If you see a spam/vandalized page, report it to us directly instead of trying to fix it yourself.
Spam Obliteration and Prevention (SOAP) - They specialize in this kind of stuff, and have the tools necessary to help you if need be and no other local staff are online. You can report mass…
Z’s relationships would have to cut short.
A-Y would be good because Z is the home of all of them.
F and Q, very best friends as Z gives that type of reaction with F at the end of nZ and Epilogue, and Q? Joined forces to make positivity and reset time.
About my discord account
I am unable to access it, because I got hacked ;-;
I've been trying to get it back for like two months but the person who has it atm is stubborn and is refusing to
Alphabet Lore the movie
Alphabet Lore: The Movie is animated film that is based on the series. It will be animated by DreamWorks. It will be release in theaters On Wednesday July 25th 2024. The Runtime will be 1 hour and 52 minutes . The rating will be PG. It will be directed by Mike Salcedo. It will be produced by Rebekah Shoemaker and Mike Salcedo. Starting A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z. The Premium of Teaser Trailer Will be in May 25th 2023.
I am making a return to the staff
Hello guys,
I have returned to the staff after a 1 month demotion and I used that time to recover from the issues that affected my time on the staff. I am currently a discussions moderator until my interest for editing increases even further and I already made a huge edit to the wiki timeline. I guess I can consider myself as a former former staff 💀. I’m so glad to be back on the staff team and I can’t wait until I work with the staff again!
I bet you guys missed me while I was gone and some of you thought I might not come back, myself included.
I could write more but my mobile device is at a low battery, I’m more than excited to help you guys and I’ll see you guys in the next blog.