New Number Lore Halves
- One and a Half: 1.5 is a number who has 1 eye and half of an eye. He has a weak tooth.
- Two and a Half: He has stronger teeth but a weaker laser.
- Three and a Half: Just has a stronger Laser but weaker vines.
New Fanmade Number Lore Characters
404 is a character. He is just a blue test with a white face. He is like that to represent the Blue Screen of Death.
One Half
One Half is a fanon character in Number Lore. They are a moon for Zero
When 2 0.5s crash into eachother, they form One. When 4 0.5s crash, they form Two (Sum). Cycle repeats.
Nine is an upcoming character in Number Lore. He could be an ally to the letters, as Seven tries to eat him.
As N, O, G&P, and the Bike sit on top of the mouth of F’s cave, they have nothing to do. N feels sad F is gone while O cares about L. Though N and O didn’t have a good relationship before because F showed him the question mark’s old timeline a while ago, N thinks O has a true change of heart.
N starting to think about the question mark,
This article is about the episode. For the character, see Four. 4 is the fourth episode of Number Lore, and the 31st episode of the Alphabet Lore series overall.
- 1 Plot
- 1.1 Episode 5.1
- 1.2 Credits
- 2 Characters
- 3 Words
- 4 Trivia
- 5 Goofs
- 6 Innuendo
It starts off, and it is the recap of the last 4 episodes.
As N, O, G&P, and the Bike sit on top of the mouth of F’s cave, they have nothing to do. N feels sad F is gone while O cares a…
Number Lore|partOfSeason=2|episodeNumber=5|airDate=???|writer=Mike Salcedo|director=Mike Salcedo|previousEpisode=4 (Episode)|nextEpisode=6}}
- A
- C
- D
- F
- g
- H
- K
- L
- M
- N
- O
- P
- Q
- R
- S
- T
- V
- W
- X
- Y
- Z
- 1
- 1's Clone
- 2
- 3
- 4
- Green 2
- Five's mouth is confirmed to be at the top.
- Five's pupil and eye color is white and black pupils.
- 5.1 is confirmed to on November and is 2 minutes long.
- This is the last episode of Season 2.
If Alphabet Lore was in a competition trailer
This post just features stuff about this series. This involves 15 of the best AL characters, competing for.................................................i don't have any idea yet. They will be in teams (3, then 2, then none), and team that loses will vote someone out. Their host is Z. Also, this is based on my own timeline, which I will tlak about in other time, before IALWIAN 1 releases.
Five Is A Number From Number Lore
Five's Skin Is Coloured A Light Blue Akin To B's Skin But Slightly Darker. He Has Lavender Eyes & Teeth. He Also Has Indigo Inside Mouth As Well As Blue Tongue
Five is a Number in Number Lore.
They are Purple with Green spots and Green eyes. their ability is to vomit poison.
He is the first number to have
Dotted around
He is the first number to kill someone (A, X and Two)
What If I Was a Parent
- 1 Age for
- 2 Bedtime
- 3 What
- 4 Would
- Caffeine - 13 coffee, idk tea.
- Cursing - 13
- Dating - 12
- Home alone - 16
- Sleepover at a friends house - Preteen with proper supervision
- Social media - 4 Scratch, Like whatever age YouTube, 13-15 for all that stuff
- Rated-R - Obvious 18.
- 1-4: 8PM
- 5-8: 9PM
- 9-16: 10PM
- 16-18: 12PM due
- 18+: Just get some sleep
- What time should you be asleep on a school night? - About 8-10PM I guess.
- Would you give your kid an allowance? - I don’t know…
- Would you hit your kids? - I don’t know. Maybe I’d let my wife handle it I guess.
- Would you reward them for getting A's? - I'd be proud but I won’t give them a million dollars.
Five (Prediction)
Five, also written as 5 is a predicted character for Number Lore
- 1 Appearance
- 2 Powers and Abilities
- 2.1 Soaring:
- 2.2 Water Manipulation:
- 3 Trivia
His skin is colored light cyan, like E but lighter, has orange eyes on the top of his head, and 5 teeth akin to F. He has an dark blue tongue, and two wings or fins on each of his sides.
Since his sides are wings, he has to ability to soar at far distance.
He can blast water from his sides, allow him to defend off against any letters in his way.
- His color is based off the sea and sky of sorts, since he has both the attributes off water and air.
- His mouth could be on the other side, but if not, he could bear a resemblance to F and P.
the weirdest blog post ever i have seen