My Seven Prediction
Seven, also written as 7, is a Number who will appear in Number Lore.
Black (pupil)
- Fresh Air (eye)
- Rich Electric Blue (body)
- Sea Blue (eyelid)|friends=0 (home)|known_powers=Liquid Nitrogen Breath}}
- 1 Appearance
- 2 Additional Information
- 2.1 Trivia
- 2.2 Inspiration
He is an azure Number whose eye color is lighter blue. He is also cyclops.
- His ability to breathe liquid nitrogen is reference to the fact that 7 in the periodic table is nitrogen.
Fanmade Coptic Gangia (Ϫ)
Gangia (Ϫ) is the twenty-ninth letter of the Coptic alphabet. Excluding Souu (Ⲋ), it is the twenty-eighth letter of the Coptic alphabet.
White (teeth)
- Fashion Fuchsia (body)
- Byzantium (eyelids)
- Orange-Red (Crayola) (eyes)
- Pastel Orange (eyes)
- Lemon Yellow (eyes)
- French Lime (eyes)
- Turquoise (eyes)
- Very Light Blue (eyes)
- Bright Lilac (eyes)|enemies=Souu|debut=N/A|latest_appearance=N/A|title1=Gangia}}
He is a magenta character resembling the twenty-ninth letter of the Coptic alphabet, being gangia. Like all other six Coptic Demotic-origin Letters, he has light rainbow-colored eyes, making him look colorful.
My Number Lore 5.3 (Fanmade And Redesign)
In Roleplay.
N: Get to this!
2 Hours Later.
1: Aw! Snap! Get a good!!
I: Nvm.
4: YOU TOO!!
3: YEAH!! >:(
M: You maybe to get a job!!
Y: Wha.
5: *Angry*
2: Oh Great just great. -_-
N: Getting Something!!
P: ...
R: R
O: O
C: C
K: K
E: E
D: D
World "ROCKET" Sound!!
Look at ROCKET.
Letter And Number Running out.
Z Look at ROCKET.
Wait a Second.
2 Min Later.
N: We get my bff F!!
2: What is that?
1: Look at 0.
4: Umm yeah.
3: Yeah
5: We are Something.
6 To Be Continued...
Next Is Season 3 Fanmade NL.
~ Sofia♡
My Number Lore 5.2 (Fanmade And Redesign)
In Roleplay.
5: We maybe cannot wait.
P: *Angry* YOU ARE MY BF!!! *Jump*
P Fight 5.
5: AHH!!!
P: P!!!
5: STOPP!!!
P: PP!!!
5: OWWW!!!
P: PP!!!
5: *Ground* .....Why.... *Sobbing*
1: Why Don't worry.
5: I'm fine.
N: Look.
O: Yeah.
P: *Ground in F's Cave*
4: STFU!!!
P: NO YOU!!!
5 Min Later.
N: What is this.
P: X_X
Y: Why..
M: What is that.
Number: Hey!!!
Letter/Alphabet: ....
1 min later.
1: Yeah you too!!
3: Yeah!!
2: We cannot be to the-
1,2,3 And 4: -_-
5: Whoops ○_○
4: >_<
1: Are your ok 4.
4: >_<
1: What that.
4: >_<
1: We get off th-
4: *4 is hit 1*
4: i-i
3: *Angry*
4: .... *Find out to be way*
3: F*ck
2: Bruh -_-
N: Yeah.
5 min later and fighting.
Sofia/S: *Look at fight on video*
4: Sorry...
P: N.
N: Yeah.
5.3 To Be Continue…
My Number Lore 6 Predictions
♡My Number Lore 6 Predictions♡
6 Is a Not Pink.
6 is a Girls.
6 is a NOT Animal.
6 is a Bow. (This is my Predictions)
6 is a Purple.
Thx ~ Sofia♡
My Number Lore 5.2 (Fanmade)
In 5.2 Number Lore (DON'T SAY FAKE)
One way to the to be way, G is a injury to ground, P is angry at 5, P Is fight 5 to the F's Cave, One is say to "5 NO", 5 is hurt is sad. Are Number To by the way, P is falling Say to "AHHH", P is a Superpower to run way, N is scared to F's Cave in inside, P Is fight Number, in Roleplay, One: OWWWW, Two: STOPPP, Three: AAHHHHH, Four: NOOOO, Five: *fight* STOPPPP, End Roleplay, 5.3 To Be Continued....
~ Sofia♡
B (Spanish)
Black|relatives=A (Spanish)|friends=CH (Spanish)
LL (Spanish)|enemies=RR (Spanish)|debut=B|title1=B}}
I don't like this guy.
@GMajor19Ennussment119 is what I'm talking about, he likes to swear, say brainrot words.
Verpt Is The 28th Letter Of Alphabet Lore But... It's Maded By Jacknjellify But He Created 2 Letters
f's brother!!!! (not actually since letters don't have brothers i think)
this 3d model was made on tinkercad
here's the link to this website
Six (King Susie Pen's prediction)
Six, also written as 6, is a main protagonist in Number Lore, the sequel of Alphabet Lore.
- 1 Appearance
- 2 Powers and Abilities
- 2.1 Hiding her eyes with hair
- 3 Additional information
Six is an white number 6, with gray eyelids and has a ponytail-like hair to cover her eyes.
Because of her being scared, Six hides her eyes with her hair when she sees something threatening, like F or One.
- She has a crush on N because he protected him from Seven.
Five (King Susie Pen's prediction)
Five, also written as 5, is a supporting antagonist in Number Lore, the sequel of Alphabet Lore.
He is a buff crocodile, who tried to prevent F from going to 0.
- 1 Appearance
- 2 Powers and Abilities
- 2.1 Fighting
- 2.2 Iron fangs
- 2.3 Light eyes
- 2.4 Spitting goo
- 3 Additional information
Five is an orange/gray/brown/cyan/purple/black/white number 5, with darker eyelids and a colorful belly. He resembles F and super L.
Five's main power is fighting as seen in 5.1, when he was fighting M and X.
Five can turn his fangs into iron to attack a letter as he tried to use to kill B, only for X to save him. He even use this to try to attack L inside the Calculator Ship but the button protects him.
Five's eyes can turn into flashlights to find something in the dark as seen in …
Unnowk 5
Gunmetal (Skin And Abs)
- Jet Stream (2nd Skin)
- Bubbles (Eyelids)
- White (Teeths And Eyes)
- Black (pupils)|pronouns=He/Him}}Unnowk
Waiting for the upcoming Number Lore Numbers
Once 1, 2, 3 and 4 came to YouTube, I'm going to wait for 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 0. I can't wait to see them coming to YouTube. In fact, I'll soon be very proud of Mike Salcedo!
My Number Lore 5 Predictions
Number Lore 5 Predictions.
5's Eye is a white.
5 Is a Dark Pink.
5 is a Swole.
5's Mouth top to mouth.
5 Is a NOT Animal, 5 Is a Aliens.
Sorry, I will be failed to unconfirmed release.
Thx - Sofia.
Sorry for the update T-T
Five Prediction V2
Five is a number who will appear in Number Lore.
Five is a dark lime swole number with yellow five pack. He has red eyelids, he has a brown back, and he has blue teeth, though they are not seen.
The ඞs, also known as the Among Us Empire is a character in AL S4.
These characters were formed after A wanted to clone himself so he accidentally created them.
Russian Alphabet Lore
Russian Alphabet Lore Reloaded is an animated series and first season of the series of the same name created by HarryHorribleHumor. The series started on October 22, 2022.
So. The reason why I am making this post is because me and this user here are becoming staff. So basically I am getting Dual Moderator and TheBlueGuy is a content moderator.
Look at our message walls for proof :)
Edit! We both accepted our proposals so yeah lol AndrewIsCool777 (talk) 14:11, 21 November 2024 (UTC)
Russian Alphabet Lore - Characters
- А - Just the same like A.
- Б - Just the same as B, but he jumps in his debut episode, like Harrymations' (or PFA's) Б.
- В - Just the same as V, just not as cowardly
- Г - Just the same as G.
- Д - Just the same as D.
- Е - Just the same as E.
- Ё - An original character, IDK what to make his personality.
- Ж - Just the same as Harrymations' Ж.
- З - Just the same as F.
- И - Just the same as I, but he doesn’t get kidnapped, since he isn’t in friends in Russian.
- Й - The main protagonist, just the same as N.
- К - Just the same as K, though he is not really a moth, nor is he a female (K is a male). He is also a bully.
- Л - Same as L, but has the same personality as M
- М - Just the same as M but has the same personality as O
- Н - Just H but alive.
- О - Just O but he’s more of an ally to the letters…
Alphabet Lore But ChatGPT Chooses The Colors
- A - Red
- B - Blue
- C - Yellow
- D - Brown
- E - Green
- F - Purple
- G - Orange
- H - Pink
- I - White
- J - Black
- K - Teal
- L - Light Blue
- M - Magenta
- N - Navy Blue
- O - Orange
- P - Pink
- Q - Dark Green
- R - Red
- S - Yellow
- T - Brown
- U - Purple
- V - Gray
- W - Blue
- X - Gray
- Y - Green
- Z - Dark Blue
Five Prediciton V1
Five is a number who will appear in Number Lore.
Five is a swole number with dark six pack.