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BIKE is a word that got formed when B, I, K, and E all lined up to make the word.


In an attempt to get to the calculator spaceship, E threw I at K which lands next to B and E then slides over next to K which makes the word BIKE. They drove off leaving A and U behind while E is the driver. As they were driving, they made a quite few incidents being driving over others. Those who were driven over was L and O, in another careless moment. Later, a convoy was formed of the BIKE, the VAN, L, and O. The BIKE almost ran over T but T ducks down in time. E stopped the BIKE they deform to see the crashing of the calculator spaceship.

BIKE also appears in 4, where 1, his clone, 2, and 3 head to F's cave to get back to the ship, only for BIKE to give chase. They witnessed 3 and 1's clone making 4, only for g Jr. to tamper with the equator wheel and thus making a fake 2 instead of 4. g Jr. falls off the machine, but BIKE saves him just in time. 1 fixed the equator wheel, and 3 alongside 1's clone made 4. 4 tried to lose BIKE and g Jr, which succeeded at first since BIKE ran into 4's spiky tail, but O saves BIKE and g Jr. by replacing the front wheel with O himself. The letters continued with chase, and they landed into F's cave, where they see N restraining the calculator ship with the & gem, but it breaks shortly after, so O helps N by conjoining the question mark and semicolon gems. O himself tried to keep the gems together so his colon gem wouldn't break again, and 4 also helped the letters stop F from taking off. However, this backfires as O's colon gem breaks again and he loses his powers, and the numbers also fall off, thus resulting in N and O forming the stealth word "NO" showing they failed to stop F.

Additional Information[]


  • BIKE is the second transformation that doesn't use A after GUN.
  • BIKE is also the first shown transformation using E, K, and I.
  • BIKE is the only vehicle to cause some incidents and near-incidents.
  • "Hunting" by Igor Fedyk (also known as "The Jungle" by WaveMusicStudio") serves as the BIKE's theme song.
  • This is the first vehicle formed with 2 vowels (E and I).
Objects in 'Alphabet Lore'
Objects CABGemsMAPVANCalculator ShipBIKE