Alphabet Lore Wiki

Welcome to the Alphabet Lore Wiki!

If you are new here, please read the rules before contributing or posting!


Alphabet Lore Wiki

This wiki has set policies that administrators must abide to when banning or blocking users. This page is consisted of the warning schemes before blocks and the reasonings, block durations, and block reasons that must be provided for a fair and contestable block. Failure to abide by these blocking and warning standards may lead to a demotion if done too much or deliberately.

Block Reasons & Types

While some reasons aren't explicitly stated here, it does not mean that something is acceptable or allowed.


A warning is a notice given to users by a staff member. Here is a list of valid warning reasons.

  • Falsely reporting posts, comments, or messages
  • Deleting warnings from staff members before they expire
  • Uploading off-topic images/Making off-topic pages
  • Removing completely valid candidates for deletion, cleanup, or stub templates
  • Edit /or Post farming
  • Misbehavior (which is and is not limited to, bullying, name-calling, false and baseless accusations)
  • Using unauthorized bot accounts (rare)
  • Continuing to reinstate off-topic or joke pages after they have been deleted
After 45 days, warnings expire and they no longer count for possible future warnings.

Block Levels

Level 1 Blocks

Are offenses that are typically minor and inoffensive, but can be harmful to the wiki in some way, those blocks being for:

  • Mass Uploading off topic/random images
  • Mass making off-topic pages that have no relation to Mike Salcedo or Alphabet Lore
  • Constantly asking for user rights
  • Inserting false information and/or headcanons into pages (i.e. fanon)
  • Minor vandalism and spamming
  • Page blanking
  • Necroposting

Level 2 Blocks

Are offenses that aren't major violations of the rules, however they still can harm the wiki if left unnoticed, those violations being:

  • Ignoring warnings despite being banned in the past
  • Minor vandalism and spamming (Recurring users)

Level 3 Blocks

Are blocks for major offenses of the rules caused on the wiki that can harm the wiki severely and could warrant an instant ban if severe enough, those violations also being:

  • Any violations of Fandom's ToS (Terms of Use)
  • NSFW content and imagery
  • Spamming and Vandalism
  • Being underage (ban time varies based on age and location)
  • Harassment, threatening behavior, and death threats
  • Doxxing or leaking personal information
  • Sockpuppetry (abusing multiple accounts and ban evading).
  • Having an inappropriate username (Having things related to sex, drugs, controversial events or tragedies in your username)
  • Impersonation of users and/or creators
  • Saying slurs

Blocking Rules for Block Levels 1 - 2

If you are warned 3 times for committing actions deemed worthy of a warning, you will be blocked for two weeks. If you are warned 3 more times and have a previous block, it will result in a month long block. After your previous 2 blocks, if you are warned twice, you will be banned.

If you commit a Level 1 action, such as page blanking, you will receive a two week block immediately. Committing a Level 2 action, such as continuing to vandalize after a previous block, committing a Level 1 infraction while having a previous block, or committing any three warning-level infractions while having a previous block, will get you blocked for a month.

Afterwards, committing any two warning-level actions or any one Level 1 or Level 2 actions will get you blocked indefinitely.

Blocking Rules for Level 3 Blocks

Usually, if you commit a Level 3 offense, you will be banned and possibly reported to Fandom to get globally blocked, however there are and can be exception to this rule.

Differences between blocks and bans

  • If you are blocked, your account is restricted and can't participate in the discussions or edit for a definite amount of time.
  • If you are banned, you are no longer allowed to edit or post on the wiki anymore and you will receive an infinite block. If you have been blocked three times previously, then you will be banned on your third block.

Ban Appeals

The Alphabet Lore Wiki bans users that violate the wiki rules. If you think we got your block wrong, continue reading to learn how to submit an appeal.

Please note that if your appeal was denied, you will not be eligible to submit new appeals for two months following the denial. Additionally, submitting more than three denied appeals will make your ban considered final and permanent, with no further opportunities to appeal.

Contact an administrator or bureaucrat's message wall at Community Central to appeal your block. If you are unsatisfied with the response, you have the right to escalate this to Fandom Support for further assistance.