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Alphabet Lore Wiki
Alphabet Lore Wiki

A is the debut episode of the "Alphabet Lore" series and is the first episode of the series overall.



  • A (debut)


  • Z (upper part only)

Additional Information[]


  • Even though this is the first episode of the series, this is the second episode if you order the timeline chronologically.
  • This is A's first appearance in the series.
    • This is also, technically, Z's first appearance, but they are not revealed fully until ‌nZ….
  • Since Z is the location of the episode, this is technically one of the only two episodes to introduce more than one letter, at 2. The other being "D".
    • In fact, both episodes introduce the most letters, at 2 each.
  • This episode is considered to be the least lore-heavy episodes of the series.
  • A and One are the only episodes that have been marked as made for kids.
'Alphabet Lore' Episodes
Alphabet Lore Season 1 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY‌nZ…Now I Know My ABCsNext Time Won't You Sing With Me?
Number Lore Season 2 12345
Season 3 67890