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Alphabet Lore Wiki
Alphabet Lore Wiki

A is the first letter of the alphabet, one of the main characters of Alphabet Lore, and a minor character in Number Lore. He was used to make the words "CAB", "VAN", "COWARD", "MAP" and "fart". In addition, he was used to make the words "FAKE", "PATREON" "ENDGAME" and "WATCH" in non-canon content.


A is a red letter A. His mouth is located in the "hole" of the letter in both uppercase and lowercase form, with his eyes right between it. His teeth appear long and straight, although they prove to be separate when his mouth is open.


A is very laid back and easy going letter. He has a rivalry with E


As a lowercase letter, A was used by F to create the word "fart" as a prank to embarrass L. A laughed alongside N and F after the word "fart" was formed. A, along with S, Y, and the other letters (except P and G), witnessed how F formed the word "frick" and incited all the letters to turn against F.

Alphabet Lore[]

Sometime before F attacked A, he grew into an adult.

In A, he introduces himself while making a cool face. In G, G calls A, B, and C to form the word "CAB" to track down F. A's role in the cab was as the driver. In H, they drive past F, who is hiding behind H. In J, "CAB" waits for G as J gets annihilated by I's cannonball shot by F. In K, "CAB" and G rush toward F beside I, J, and K. F charges I's tittle, planning to annihilate "CAB" and G to kill them for good. In L, M, N, O, and P, "CAB" and G are mesmerized by The LMNOP Crew's abilities. In R, A, along with M and P, form the word "MAP" to find F's location. When the letters head for F, A returns to "CAB" to rush towards F. In T, they arrive, but F uses the period (".") gem to freeze G in place. In U, "MAP" deforms as the letters prepare their attack on F. However, after F claims M's gem, he sticks M and A together and flings them toward T, who was previously hammered into the ground. Additionally, A witnesses the last moments of C, shutting his eyes right as F shreds C, killing him in the process. B gets his wings bitten off, and F flies away with P. A is devastated and mourns the loss of his friends, B & C. In V, A realizes G shot P instead of F, shocking him along with all the letters as they mourn P's death. In W, A appears in N's nightmare as they spell "COWARD." After N wakes up, it appears they have formed "VAN." A was the body of “VAN”. In X, "VAN" stops as X multiplies. In Y, they drive to F's Cave and deform as V sprints away in fear. Along with G, M, and U, A is swallowed by F's manipulation goo. When F was murdered by Super N's rainbow attack, A, G, M, and U were left in shock due to the outcome, and Q shows why F had gone the path he did. In Now I Know My ABCs, everyone, including A, feels empathy for F, as they realize he was not evil before Z reversed time to make up for the loss of all the letters.

Number Lore[]

In the new timeline, A is now in a group with the other vowels: E, I, O, and U. He and E bicker a lot and argue whether the more important letter is the first letter (A) or the most common letter (E). The vowels all split up to go after the number ship. A teams up with V, and both go to F’s Cave to get N's help as well to spell "VAN." When N finally joins, they accidentally run into G and P's baby and tag him along. They continue with chase alongside L, O, and BIKE. However, the letters are almost out of the numbers' reach, but they witness Z using his ellipses gems to stop them, thus resulting in the Calculator Ship crash-landing. 1, enraged from being unable to escape with X and 2, makes 3 and the letters witness them. A and V along with the other letters watch L and O defeat the numbers, with L using his gem to shake out the Ship's contents (including X) and O conjoining the numbers with his colon gem. L then throws the Ship to F's cave, while A and V watch and N is horrified.

A reappears in episode 4, where he, V, and N reform VAN and drives to F's cave. N, seen in an emotional crisis, uses his semicolon gem to power up VAN and turn it into "VAÑ", allowing faster travel to F's cave. Upon reaching, N deforms VAÑ and runs to check up on F while A and V watch as debris falls and blocks their path.


Episode Appearances[]

  • A (debut)
  • G
  • H (cameo; part of CAB only)
  • J
  • K (part of CAB only)
  • L (part of CAB only)
  • M (cameo; part of CAB only)
  • N (cameo; part of CAB only)
  • O (cameo; part of CAB only)
  • P (cameo; part of CAB only)
  • Q (cameo; part of CAB only)
  • R
  • T
  • U
  • V
  • W
  • X
  • Y
  • ‌nZ…
  • Now I Know My ABCs
  • 3
  • 4

Episode count: 22

He appeared in 57% of all episodes, including the cameo and part of CAB appearances.

Additional Information[]


  • A is currently tied with R for the position of the letter used most in words in Alphabet Lore. (Both letters were used in the formation of 5 words each.)
    • However, A is the second most used letter in the English alphabet (about 8.04% of words, to be exact), and E is the most used.
    • "GUN," "FRIENDS/friends," "frick" and “JERK” are the only words not to use A.
  • It is presumed he is close friends with B and C.
  • Him, along with B, G, M, N, P, Q, and T all witnessed C's death.
  • Him, along with G, M, N, Q, U, and V all witnessed P's death. Nevertheless, Q is not witnessed.
  • A appears third most often in the episodes, only being beaten by F and Z.
  • When L saves him and B, C, and G's lives, A is seen with an anime-esque facial expression.
  • A has an unused prototype design that differs from his current design; his mouth is smaller and of a different shape, and he is not colored in. Early beta designs can also be found when subscribing to Mike Salcedo's Patreon.
    • This might have been scrapped because Z (the other ending letter) is also white.
  • A is capable of using his legs as arms, as shown when driving as part of CAB and when he comforts B in U.
  • If A and E form "AE", they are technically one of the ligatures, as in Old English and some scripts, "AE" and "ae" were for a time written as "Æ" and "æ".


For A’s merchandise, go here



Audio Description


Audio Description



See Also[]

'Alphabet Lore'
Numbers 1 (One)2 (Two)3 (Three)4 (Four)5 (Five)6 (Six)7 (Seven)8 (Eight)9 (Nine)0 (Zero)
Misc. Mike SalcedoMoth eggs