Notes:maybe not funny
D,U,C,and K are hanging out each other
U:What do U mean?
K:I don't care
A duck just interrupt D,U,C,and K and duck hit them expect for D
What's on your mind?
Notes:maybe not funny
D,U,C,and K are hanging out each other
U:What do U mean?
K:I don't care
A duck just interrupt D,U,C,and K and duck hit them expect for D
Hi everyone! Callysta here! Since this community is dead, I will made a roleplay. In this roleplay, all of the letters are plan to make a food, so they began to pack some ingredients and materials for cooking.
-No gore, nsfw, fettish, and content farm
-No trolling and unacceptable behavior
-Don't use unrelated images. It is okay to use it for reaction or showing the image of its look like
-Shipping is okay but please don't ship characters too much
-Swearing is allowed
-No Z and numbers bc they're not allowed in this rp
If you break these rules, you will be blocked. So, get ready! This is a post before 5.1 is out
F-(I removed nicholas bc he got blocked)
(to Gary) "Many people told me I was a snail, but Damon exposed me and said that I was a slug. Why did I friend two snails named Jaden and Gary?"
Sorry i only got a 12 charters
NO TOXICITY ALLOWED! We're not having a repeat of my first Russian Lore RP! (It turned into an immature mess)
The cast:
A (spanish) - D (english)
Design:D (english)
B (spanish) - B (english)
Design:B (english)
C (spanish) - C (english)
Design:C (english)
CH (spanish) - A (english)
Design:A (english)
D (spanish) - Г (NJsaurus's Russian Alphabet Lore)
Design:Г (NJsaurus's Russian Alphabet Lore)
E (spanish) - F (adrianmacha2005thesecond's Portuguese Alphbet Lore)
Design:F (adrianmacha2005thesecond's Portuguese Alphabet Lore)
F (spanish) - H (english)
Desing:H (english)
G (spanish) - F (english)
Desing:F (english)
H (spanish) - G (english)
Design:G (english)
I (spanish) - I (english)
Design:I (english)
J (spanish) - J (english)
Design:J (english)
K (spanish) - K (english)
Design:K (english)
L (spanish) - L (english)
Design:L (english)
LL (spanish) - M (english)
Design:M (english)
M (english) - R (english)
Design:R (english)
N (spanish) - O (english)
Design:O (english)
Ñ (spanish) - Ñ has her own role
Design:Her own design
O (spanish) - N (english)
Design:N (english)
P (spanish) - P (english)
Design:P (english)
Q (spanish) - Q (english)
Design:Q (english)
R (spanish) - W (english)
Design:W (english)
RR (spanish) - W (supergibalogan's Portuguese Alphabet Lore)
Design:W (supergibalogan's Portuguese Alphabet Lore)
S (spanish) - S (english)
Design:S (english)
T (spanish) - T (english)
Design:The T shaped pipe from BATIM:
U (spanish) - U (english)
Design:Super Horror Mario by shadow-shana
V (spanish) - V (english)
Design:V (english)
W (spanish) - Premutated Q (celticstudios1's Portuguese Alphabet Lore)
Design:premutated Q (celticstudios1's Portuguese Alphabet Lore)
X (spanish) - X (english)
Design:X (english)
Y (spanish) - Y (english)
Design:Y (english)
Z (spanish) - Z (english)
Design:Z (english)
The gems:
L's gem:Period (.)
LL's gem:Comma (,)
M's gem:Upside down question mark
N's gem:Colon (:)
Ñ's gem:Upside down exclmation mark (¡)
O's gem:Semicolon (;)
P's gem:Exclamation mark (!)
The other gems:
Q's gem:Question mark (?)
X's gemAsterisk (*)
Z's gem:Ellipsis (. . .)
Friends - amigos
Coward - cobarde
#alphabetlore #spanishalphabetlore #roleplay #mariomadness
The cast:
A (maltese) - A (english)
Design:A (english)
B (maltese) - N (english)
Design:N (english)
Ċ (maltese) - C (english)
Design:C (english)
D (maltese) - W (english)
Design:W (english)
E (maltese) - B (english)
Design:B (english)
F (maltese) - X (CHAOS WILL UNFOLD./BazMannBach's Spanish Alphabet Lore)
Design:X (CHAOS WILL UNFOLD./BazMannBach's Spanish Alphabet Lore)
Ġ (maltese) - F (AdrianMacha2005's Spanish Alphabet Lore)
Design:F (AdrianMacha2005's Spanish Alphabet Lore)
G (maltese) - F (Aiden and friends's Spanish Alphabet Lore)
Design:F (Aiden and friends's Spanish Alphabet Lore)
GĦ (maltese) - CH (Aiden and friends's Spanish Alphabet Lore)
Design:CH (Aiden and friends's Spanish Alphabet Lore)
H (maltese) - H (english)
Design:H (english)
Ħ (maltese) - F (english)
Design:F (english)
I (maltese) - G (english)
Design:G (english)
IE (maltese) - I (english)
Design:I (english)
J (maltese) - J (english)
Design:J (english)
K (maltese) - K (english)
Design:K (english)
L (maltese) - L (english)
Design:L (english)
M (maltese) - M (english)
Design:M (english)
N (maltese) - Ñ (GallicAdlair81/HispanicAircat81's Spanish Alphabet Lore)
Design:Ñ (GallicAdlair81/HispanicAircat81's Spanish Alphabet Lore)
O (maltese) - O (english)
Design:O (english)
P (maltese) - P (english)
Design:P (english)
Q (maltese) - Q (english)
Design:Q (english)
R (maltese) - H (Aiden and friends's Spanish Alphabet Lore)
Desing:H (Aiden and friends's Spanish Alphabet Lore)
S (maltese) - R (Aiden and friends's Spanish Alphabet Lore)
Design:R (Aiden and friends's Spanish Alphabet Lore)
T (maltese) - T (english)
Desing:T (english)
U (maltese) - U (english)
Design:U (english) (Gun in maltese is "xkubetta")
V (maltese) - V (english)
Design:V (english)
W (maltese) - LL (Aiden and friends's Spanish Alphabet Lore)
Design:LL (Aiden and friends's Spanish Alphabet Lore)
X (maltese) - X (english)
Design:X (english)
Ż (maltese) - Y (english)
Design:Y (english)
Z (maltese) - Z (english)
Design:Z (english)
The gems:
L's gem:Period (.)
M's gem:Comma (,)
N's gem:Semicolon (;)
O's gem:Colon (:)
P's gem:Exclamation mark (!)
The other gems:
Q's gem:Question mark (?)
X's gem:Asterisk (*)
Z's gem:Ellipsis (. . .)
Friends - ħbieb
Coward - kodard
Team AL
A -
B -
C -
D -
E -
F - Me
G -
H -
I -
J -
K -
L -
M -
N -
O -
P -
Q - Me
R -
S - Me
T -
U -
V -
W -
X -
Y -
Z -
Team Scary Logos
Team Happy Rainbow Panda Bears -
Klasky Csupo - @AlphaFriend8000
Boje Buck (joins the letters to fight against the other logos) - Me
Team Numbers (They are united with the scary logos)
1 -
Clone 1 - @TrueBlueArmBuckle
2 -
3 -
More numbers would be revealed
Every person gets 4 roles max
No betrayals unless if it's an important event
Follow the lore and not go out of lore
Only 2 Fan Roles per user
After the letters have fended off the numbers, soon the scary logos came and they united with the numbers to kill the letters.
Alvin - Me
Carl -
Polly -
Intro Singer -
No betrayals unless if it's an important event
Follow the lore and not go out of lore
Alvin welcomes Carl into his home for a luncheon he hopes will be a memorable one. However, after seating Carl, Alvin discovers that his roast has burnt in the oven, and decides to cover his mistake by ordering fast food from the nearby restaurant and passing it off as his own cooking.
As Alvin is climbing out the kitchen window, Carl walks in abruptly. The awkward moment is interrupted by a theme song in the style of a 1980s sitcom, complete with a title card and montage. Alvin lies, claiming he's merely stretching his calves on the windowsill as isometric exercise, and that the smoke from the burning roast is actually steam from the "steamed clams" he is preparing. Though suspicious, Carl is mollified and leaves the room, letting Alvin rush out the window and across the street to the restaurant.
Alvin returns, emerging from the kitchen with a platter of hamburgers and fries, which Carl questions, as he recalls Alvin saying they were having steamed clams. Thinking quickly, Alvin responds that he actually said "steamed hams", which he claims means hamburgers in a regional dialect. Carl asks which region Alvin means, and he responds that the phrase hails from upstate New York. Carl, who grew up in Ohio, has never heard the phrase before, but Alvin further specifies that it is unique to Albany, which Carl accepts.
The two begin eating, and Carl immediately notices that the burgers Alvin "prepared" are exactly like those served at the restaurant. Alvin cheerfully insists they are homemade "steamed hams" from an old family recipe, but is flummoxed when Carl points out that the "steamed" burgers are clearly grilled. Tripping over his words, Alvin excuses himself from the table, only to discover that the kitchen is now in flames, as he had neglected to extinguish the roast that was burning in the oven earlier.
Acting as though everything is normal and the luncheon has simply come to a natural end, Alvin almost succeeds in getting Carl to leave quickly without noticing the fire. As he rises from the table, however, Carl is alarmed at the sight of a red glow coming from the kitchen. In his most preposterous lie yet, Alvin claims the glow is from the Aurora borealis. Though Carl is initially extremely skeptical of such an absurd claim, Alvin's cheerful insistence convinces him that it must be true, even when Alvin refuses to allow him to see the "Aurora" for himself.
As Alvin walks Carl out of the house, Polly calls out to him from upstairs that the house is on fire, but Alvin dismissively calls back that "it's just the Northern Lights". Carl states that although Alvin is an odd fellow, he "steam[s] a good ham". As he walks away Polly (off-screen) begins yelling out for help. A concerned Carl looks back at Alvin, who gives him an insistent smile and thumbs-up. After Carl finally turns his back and walks away, Alvin races back into the house. A Fire Department rushes to extinguish the fire off-screen.
8 Votes in Poll
The episode starts off with a recap of the previous episode. Then, the five main vowels (A, E, I, O, and U) doing a dance sequence. During the sequence, when A shows his dance moves, E steals the spotlight and A and E start fighting, to the other vowels' annoyance. Their introduction is cut short when the Calculator Ship flies by them, resulting them to chase after it. E uses B, I, and K to form BIKE, O uses his gem, and A uses V to fly. U, all alone, does a slinky-styled walk to catch up, but is too slow and falls behind. L and O successfully reach the ship, but are stopped by 2.
Meanwhile, at F’s Cave, F and N are partying about how they kept their friendship over the traumatic events in the past. When the calculator ship flies by the cave and F sees L and O being attacked by 2 and ran over by the BIKE, he recalls their past actions, and laughs at their humiliation. N sees this as a sign of help, and when A and V ask N to help spell VAN, F refuses to allow N to go. As such, they breakup their newly formed "&" gem, and N goes off to help, leaving F sad and alone.
With the VAN in action, they accidentally pick up G and P's newborn son, g (name unofficial) and he tags along. As such, P goes to her newly formed home to pick up her "!" gem and join the mission and retrieve her son back safely.
The numbers are almost at the end when Z uses their ellipse moons to stop them, resulting in the ship crashing into one of the gems, and it flies out of control, smashing into the ground just before it could reach J. 1 and 2 form a new ally, 3 . 3 resembles a frog-like creature and can shoot fire beams. He tries to aim for J, but he misses after K swoops in to rescue him. J and 3 have a laser battle, and with J almost winning, 3 uses his tongue to grab J and K to slam them in the ground. g, being newborn, punches 3 in a cute manner, resulting in 3 throwing him into the air. P successfully saves him until 3 grabs her, and then swallows and poops her out in a yellow cube substance, similar to the calculator ship buttons.
L uses his period gem to destroy the ship once and for all, and O traps the numbers with his colon gem. When L prepares to swing away the ship, he looks at F and decides to shoot it towards him, resulting in the ship crashing into the cave and F's fate unknown, much to N's horror.
It ends with "4 be continued".
You can use characters from:
Number lore (The ones by ECHA, Mike salcedo, HKtito, SES, JC Dude, Jelloid, Me, Cat steven, and more)
The OG alphabet lore
Spanish lore (The ones by HKtito, Aircat, And me)
French lore (The ones by Tommymations, and Aircat)
Russian lore (The ones by Harry, FEDTALES THE INVASION, Kevin felix, And me)
Polish (The ones by NJsauras and wario100)
Arabic (The logo animator 612)
Ukranian (Cloudymations And Cat steven)
Burmese (Harrymations and aircat)
Latvian (JC)
ALBTWIAIOF (wario100)
Greek (Iyad, Gammaroy, And Cat steven)
Mongolian (Kooper 🇰🇷)
Alphalore lore
Be mature
Respect others
No bullying
Note:this is a crossover RP
Note 2:if you don't know who anyone who made any of these lores is, then i will give you a link to their account
Have fun!
a-z and а-я
Note:It stands for "Alphabet Lore but the roles are swapped"
The cast:
A (Mike Salcedo) - A (english)
Equivalent:A (english)
B (Mike Salcedo) - B (english)
Equivalent:B (english)
C (Mike Salcedo) - C (english)
Equivalent:C (english)
D (Mike Salcedo) - A (RALR)
Equivalent:D (english)
E (Mike Salcedo) - E (english)
Equivalent:E (english)
F (Mike Salcedo) - L (english) (The word "frick" is replaced with the word "loser")
Equivalent:L (english)
G (Mike Salcedo) - G (english)
Equivalent:G (english)
H (Mike Salcedo) - H (english)
Equivalent:H (english)
I (Mike Salcedo) - I (english)
Equivalent:I (english)
J (Mike Salcedo) - J (english)
Equivalent:J (english)
K (Mike Salcedo) - K (english)
Equivalent:K (english)
L (Mike Salcedo) - F (english)
Equivalent:F (english)
M (Mike Salcedo) - M (english)
Equivalent:M (english)
N (Mike Salcedo) - O (english)
Equivalent:O (english)
O (Mike Salcedo) - N (english)
Equivalent:N (english)
P (Mike Salcedo) - P (english)
Equivalent:P (english)
Q (Mike Salcedo) - Q (english)
Equivalent:Q (english)
R (Mike Salcedo) - V (english)
Equivalent:V (english)
S (Mike Salcedo) - C (RALR)
Equivalent:C (RALR)
T (Mike Salcedo) - T (english)
Equivalent:T (english)
U (Mike Salcedo) - U (english)
Equivalent:U (english)
V (Mike Salcedo) - S (english)
Equivalent:S (english)
W (Mike Salcedo) - W (english)
Equivalent:W (english)
X (Mike Salcedo) - X (english)
Equivalent:X (english)
Y (Mike Salcedo) - Y (english)
Equivalent:Y (english)
Z (Mike Salcedo) - Z (english)
Equivalent:Z (english)
The gems:
F's gem:Dot/Period/Full Point/Full Stop (.)
M's gem:Comma (,)
N's gem:Colon (:)
O's gem:Smeicolon (;)
P's gem:Exclamation Mark (!)
The other gems:
X's gem:Asterisk (*)
Z's gem:Ellipsis (. . .)
Q's gem:Question Mark (?)
The words:
Friends - love
Coward - scardy cat
The contestants:
A - @TheCool1Z (me)
B - @Bluegirl79 (The Multi-Language Alphabet Lorist)
C - @AndrewIsCool777 (Subscription)
D - @Darrigs127 (The Short-Responses)
E - @Multifan900 (The Former Staff)
F - @FoxxerzUnite (The Inactive One)
G - @GenericLoser0 (The Amazing Artstyle)
H - @Hoppingicon (The Content Moderator)
I - @Ian victor13 (The Alphabet Lorist)
J - @Jamesair (The CEO of Alphabet Lore Viewer Voting)
K - @KoltonDaBoi2 (The Fanmade Character Creator)
L - @Lucy Lostword (my sister)
M - @MrG&W9 (The Inactive One II)
N - @The Numerator (The Active One)
O - @NotAbbabcbaa (The L and O Fan)
P - @SleepyKissyKholeen (The Ever After High Fan)
Q - @KingstonGod (The Number Lore Predicter)
R - @Robloxian757 (The Thai One)
S - @SuperGibaLogan (The Inactive One III)
T - @Minecraft is so nostalgic (The Alphabet Lorist II)
U - @Ao100909 (The Cartoon Fan)
V - @VastStarCluster (The Discussion Moderator)
W - @Knarfylover69 (The Inactive One IV)
X - @Bfdifan5522 (The Inactive One V)
Y - @Yesman1233 (The Inactive One VI)
Z will not be in this roleplay.