By the way, this is my Seven prediction.
"I feel Shadow in my ass"
No, not you. I'm talking to BentSquare, and they said that gives them flashbacks to the community. I deleted the reply.
BentSquare, let's not talk about the drama on Numberblocks community, please.
By the way, this is my Seven prediction.
If Numbers's colours came from the mix of the same colours, where One is blue, and two Ones create blue Two, then all Numbers would be blue.
I hope people who are inactive for years will come back to this wiki.
I thought you talked about the page count.
What others, you mega fan of King Ferran?
Listen here, it's getting really annoying. Leave this wiki alone, stop making sockpuppets, and it will be good.
Your original account got blocked, and now you made a new one. What got into you now?
I chose randomly because I don't know.
I know but I changed my mind.
Definitely Mike's!
^^ Don't necropost.
Alright, if you want to know what I chose. It's 7, and it's a reference to the fact that 7 in the periodic table is nitrogen.
Don't necropost.