It's Thomas and Friends NL.
@TheBlueGuy186 Not even close.
@NotAbbabcbaa What do you mean by "puff"?
Some of Krux's/Prask's have reprises of their soundtracks.
Sound like a variation of Creepy Fantasy?:
Of course, Epic Adventure Theme and The Superhero Overture have that same riff where q makes his way to b, m, x, and y.
And in here, at 0:25, sounds like one of Prask's songs I don't need to mention from the series:
Familiar song?
It's the numbers enduring the plagues. When the rest of the numbers are added, I'll add the rest of the plagues:
1 is watching the water become blood
2 is getting bounced on by frogs
3 is getting attacked by bugs and spiders
4 is being swarmed by flies
And 5 is witnessing cows die.
Thanks for editing a lot of pages, and when I got a notification of you editing the soundtrack page though, I was like "OMG YOU FOUND AN UNKNOWN SONG?! WAS IT THE L'S REFLECTION THEME? 1'S THEME?! SAD LMNOP THEME? G AND P GETTING READY FOR BATTLE!?" But it turns out no. Thanks for updating the links and layout though. Also, thanks to whoever found Defying Commodus (3's theme) and Fight for Justice (When F is about to take off).
For some reason, I had a dream about Episode 7 releasing before Episode 5. All I remember was a thumbnail of 4 and 3 in the equations machine (which was surprisingly fixed already) and then it turned out the video was a joke video with Mike saying "April Fools!"
A toned down version of his basis' jokes:
Mike himself appears and revives everyone dead and states "In the end, the Alphabet and Numbers are what YOU (the viewer) make of it. They all live within you and make up who you are by what they spell."
First step is to use Spotify. If it isn't working then download the video and upload onto If THAT isn't working (and assuming you have downloaded the video), use (or some sort of vocal remover) to remove as much background noise as possible and upload to YouTube. If you're lucky, the uploaded video may have a copyrighted music mark (that's how I found Chase). If that isn't working, you'll have to copy paste the video you uploaded into envato's "Sounds like". You'll have to brute force through the songs to find the one you're looking for (it's pretty backbreaking).
Envato/Audiojungle/pond5 tips:
Assuming you know what emotion the music is sounding like and what genre (cinematic, country, etc.) and what instruments are being used, use the filter by instruments. Assuming you know the tempo in BPM, filter by tempo. If the song isn't showing up no matter what tempo, you'll have to search for songs with a BPM of: --.
To make your life easier, enter in the search bar the tags that fit the music (hybrid, fantasy, sci-fi, etc.) and sort by newest. Click on a soundtrack to view its release date. If it has a release date after the video was published, that indicates that you need to search for songs earlier (you don't need to click on songs that are found earlier, just listen to small samples).
You too.
I don't hate D's design.
@Jaykob Walson I'm sure 3 attacked J first, and the former probably P's secondary enemy. Now her arch-enemy may be 5.
Q (He often is alone and his behavior is quite quirky and quaint).
Their arch enemies:
1: X
2: M
3: J
4: The BIKE
5: G (and maybe P in the future)
I'm sure 5 will be P's arch enemy.